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- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
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CP Filter / IR Filter on a UWA Lens?

I am a total novice when it comes to using an Ultra Wide Angle (UWA) lens in combination with Filters such as, Circular Polarizers/Infra Red, etc.

I am planning to buy a B+W 77mm MRC Circular Polarizer Filter AND/OR an IR Filter which I plan to use on a UWA 11-16mm f/2.8 Tokina lens.

A friend has a Canon 10-22mm lens and he tells/warns me against using any CP filter as in his experience the CP does not work properly on his lens and there are multiple shades in the sky. He also has Canon 24-105mm L lens and the same circular polarizer works just fine.

Any feedback on using a CP/IR filter on an UWA lens is very much appreciated.



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January 16, 2012


Nicholas Semo
  I don't know about the ir filter but the cp on that lens don't work very well because of the varying shades in the sky. A split ND filter would work better. And it sounds as though you bought the lens.


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January 16, 2012

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Thanks Nick. Actually my friend has bought it for me but he is still in Singapore. Can't wait to test the lens out, I have read that composition is very very challenging on the UWAs!

Anyone else with their views on IR filter usage on an ultra wide lens? So as you know, I own a Nikon D40 camera body.


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January 16, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
Hey Usman,
How are you ?
I have the B&W Kaeseman 77mm CP filter and its a great filter but there can be issues with really wide lenses for the reasons you & Nicholas mentioned. It works great with my 17-40mm & my 24-70mm BUT I just bought the Sigma 12-24mm for my 5D mkII and the front element protrudes out so a screw on filter will not work for this lens.
I really want to try the Singh Ray ND & Circular Polarizers but will have to see if these will even work with the 12-24.
One thing about adding any optic in front of a lens is that it can degrade quality/sharpness as much as it improves color enhancement. In really wide lenses, the corners are usually soft to begin with so I will make my decision about a filter after putting my new lens through the paces and recommend you do as well.
The B&W 77mm CP is worth the investment IMO and I have even used it on my 100-400mm lens when shooting whales out in the open ocean. It aided in keeping reflections down and adding deeper colors to the captures.
I used my friends 10-22mm for my trip to Europe in 08 and love this lens but it wont work on FF...
Here is a shot with my 40D & 10-22mm lens :)

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January 16, 2012

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Strasbourg (Notre Dame ) Cathedral
Strasbourg (Notre Dame ) Cathedral
Canon 40D - f/4, 10mm (with Canon 10-22mm lens) 6.0s, tripod. Straight from the camera except some healing brush at the bottom where passerby's walked during my 6 second shutter :)

Carlton Ward


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January 16, 2012

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