// 'if they checked the box and want to start over completely
$startOver=$_POST["startOver"] ?? '';
if($startOver == "Yes"){
header("Location: selector.php?mID=".$memberID);
// build array of choices
// go through all 45 options on previous page
$aryCatID = array();
for($nCount = 1; $nCount < (intval($numberOfUploads)); $nCount++){
$catzName = "catz".$nCount."";
// get each choice from previous page if checked, insert it
$aryCatID[$nCount] = $_POST[$catzName] ?? '';
if($aryCatID[$nCount] != ""){
// 'insert their categories
$cmdAddCatPref = "INSERT PhotoCatsCrossTheShow (memberID, catID) values (".$memberID.", ".$aryCatID[$nCount].")";
$stmt = $conn->query($cmdAddCatPref);
//echo "
sql= ". $cmdAddCatPref;
// 'change update status for fav cats
$cmdChangeUpdateStat = "UPDATE Members Set selectedFavCategories = 1 WHERE memberID = ".$memberID;
$stmt = $conn->query($cmdChangeUpdateStat);
header("Location: /gallery/photo-show.php?memberID=".$memberID."&sortBye=New");
} else { // first time here
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