Change Self Portrait'; //echo("

Select a photo that shows your identity. Ideal size is 376x468px; file size must be less than 5MB.

Select .jpg, .png or .gif file to upload:

"); //echo("

Select a photo to use for your self-portrait. This is different than your mini-pic. It will show in the About and Bio pages of your Classic Gallery or Website. File size must be less than 5MB.

"); //show current self portrait $q="SELECT sa.headshotName,, sa.isOldServerPortrait FROM SiteArt sa JOIN Members m ON sa.siteArtID = m.siteArtID WHERE m.memberID = ? ORDER BY sa.siteArtID DESC LIMIT 1"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($q); $stmt->bind_param('i', $memAuth); $stmt->execute(); $dataX = $stmt->get_result(); while($hSet = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dataX)) { $headshotName = $hSet['headshotName']; $directory = $hSet['directory']; $isOldServerPortrait = $hSet['isOldServerPortrait']; echo '

'; } echo "

Select a photo to use for your self-portrait. This portrait will show on pages like the About and Bio pages of your Classic Gallery or Deluxe or Pro Website. File size must be less than 5MB.

File to upload:

"; } else { echo "

Not Signed In

It looks like you're not logged in. Maybe your session timed out due to inactivity. Log in using the button above."; } ?>