0) { $imageCount=1; } // memberLevelCA1 they can or cannot post more (classic limited to 1000, Silver 3000) // just turn Yes off the ADDING of displayed photos after 1000 pics $post = "Yes"; $sortByDisplay=$_POST["sortByDisplay"] ?? ''; $memberID=$_POST["memberID"] ?? 0; $start=$_POST["start"] ?? 0; $rowsPerPage=$_POST["rowsPerPage"] ?? 20; $pages=$_POST["pages"] ?? 1; //$courseCatID=$_POST["courseCatID"] ?? ''; // ']now loop through all the photos on the previous page; update db for ($xCount=1; $xCount <= $imageCount; $xCount++) { // get choices from prev page, for each photo $photoIDName = "photoID".$xCount.""; $photoID = $_POST[$photoIDName] ?? 0; //echo "
photoID =".$photoID;
// make the unchecked non-favorites or make the checked favorites
$catFreeName = "catFree".$xCount."";
$catFree = $_POST[$catFreeName] ?? 'No';
$notifyMemberName = "notifyMember".$xCount."";
$notifyMember = $_POST[$notifyMemberName] ?? '';
$photoTitleName = "photoTitle".$xCount."";
$photoTitle = $_POST[$photoTitleName] ?? '';
$photoTitle = str_replace('"','"', str_replace("'","'", $photoTitle));
$photoTitle = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $photoTitle);
$photoDescriptionName = "photoDescription".$xCount."";
$photoDescription = str_replace('"','"', str_replace("'","'", $photoDescription));
$photoDescription = $_POST[$photoDescriptionName] ?? '';
$photoDescription = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $photoDescription);
$courseCatIDName = "courseCatID".$xCount."";
$courseCatID = $_POST[$courseCatIDName] ?? 0;
// 'alert us if user is entering a link
if(strpos(strtolower($photoDescription),"' . "\r\n" . 'Bcc: Jim.Miotke@gmail.com';
$sendmail = mail($toAddress, $subject, $str, $addheaders, "-fBPsupport@BetterPhoto.fun");
if($sendmail === 0){
echo "Mail send failure. Please email bpsupport@betterphoto.com to report the problem. Thanks!";
$photoTitle = str_replace("http", "", str_replace("https", "", str_replace(">", "", str_replace("", "", str_replace("deleteName dn=".$deleteName;
//echo " dleteCheck sql=".$q;
$data = mysqli_query($conn, $q);
// remove from deluxe sites in case this is a deluxe owner's photo
$qd="DELETE DeluxePhotoCatsCross WHERE photoID = " . $photoID;
//echo " delete1 sql=".$qd;
$data = mysqli_query($conn, $qd);
// remove from photocats cross
$qdd="DELETE PhotoCatsCross WHERE photoID = " . $photoID;
//echo " delete2 sql=".$qdd;
$data = mysqli_query($conn, $qdd);
} else {
$photoDescription=str_replace(str_replace(str_replace(str_replace(str_replace(str_replace(str_replace($photoDescription," i "," I "),"& ","& "),''," "),''," "),''," xyz=".$xCount." and sql=".$cmdSetInMG;
// removed , aperture = '" . $aperture . "', shutterspeed = '" . $shutterspeed . "', iso = '" . $iso . "'
$stmt = $conn->query($cmdSetInMG);
if($photoID > 0 && !empty($courseCatID)){
$cmdSetInCategory = "INSERT INTO PhotoCatsCross (photoID, catID) VALUES (" . $photoID . ", " . $courseCatID . ")";
$stmt = $conn->query($cmdSetInCategory);
// notify
$toAddress = "jim@productiveandhappy.com";
$subject = "Uploaded Photo has been added to cID=".$courseCatID;
$str = "It appears a previously uploaded PHOTO has being added and is ready for your critique.";
$addheaders = 'From: BetterPhoto sql=".$q;
//echo " start=".$start;
//echo " rowsPerPage=".$rowsPerPage;
REMOVED , aperture, shutterspeed, iso
$stmt = $conn->prepare($q);
$stmt->bind_param('ii', $start, $rowsPerPage);
$resultPics = $stmt->get_result();
// this function also in 01openers of alternate uploader
// Use this EXIF function BEFORE resizing as GD and others strip EXIF data
// This function is used to determine the camera details for a specific image. It returns an array with the parameters.
function getExifDetails($imagePath) {
// Check if the variable is set and if the file itself exists before continuing
if (isset($imagePath) && file_exists($imagePath)) {
// There are 2 arrays which contains the information we are after, so it's easier to state them both
$exif_ifd0 = @read_exif_data($imagePath ,'IFD0' ,0);
$exif_exif = @read_exif_data($imagePath ,'EXIF' ,0);
//error control
$notFound = "";
// Make
if (@array_key_exists('Make', $exif_ifd0)) {
$camMake = $exif_ifd0['Make'];
} else { $camMake = $notFound; }
// Model
if (@array_key_exists('Model', $exif_ifd0)) {
$camModel = $exif_ifd0['Model'];
} else { $camModel = $notFound; }
// Exposure
if (@array_key_exists('ExposureTime', $exif_ifd0)) {
$camExposure = $exif_ifd0['ExposureTime'];
} else { $camExposure = $notFound; }
// Aperture
if (@array_key_exists('ApertureFNumber', $exif_ifd0['COMPUTED'])) {
$camAperture = $exif_ifd0['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'];
} else { $camAperture = $notFound; }
// Date
if (@array_key_exists('DateTime', $exif_ifd0)) {
$camDate = $exif_ifd0['DateTime'];
} else { $camDate = $notFound; }
// ISO
if (@array_key_exists('ISOSpeedRatings',$exif_exif)) {
$camIso = $exif_exif['ISOSpeedRatings'];
} else { $camIso = $notFound; }
// get orientation for potential iPhone rotation issue
if (@array_key_exists('Orientation',$exif_exif)) {
$orientation = $exif_exif['Orientation'];
} else { $orientation = $notFound; }
$return = array();
$return['make'] = $camMake;
$return['model'] = $camModel;
$return['exposure'] = $camExposure;
$return['aperture'] = $camAperture;
$return['date'] = $camDate;
$return['iso'] = $camIso;
$return['orientation'] = $orientation;
return $return;
} else {
return false;
} // end function
} // end first membAuth check
To upload pictures, make sure you're logged in. Then click the My Photos > Upload Photos link in your Profile (via the three lines in the upper left corner of each page).
delete d=".$delete;
if ($delete == 'delete') {
$isAcontestwinner = 0;
//don't let members remove contest winners
$qCheck="SELECT contestwinner FROM Photos WHERE photoID = " . $photoID;
$dataF = mysqli_query($conn, $qCheck);
while($ImageSet = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dataF)) {
$contestwinner = $ImageSet['contestwinner'];
if (left($contestwinner,1) == "0" || left($contestwinner,1) == "1" || left($contestwinner,1) == "2") {
$isAcontestwinner = 1;
//echo "
isAcontestwinner =".$isAcontestwinner;
// do a check to see if this is a Editor's Pick
$isEC = sp_ValidateEditorsChoicePhoto($conn, $photoID);
// do a check to see if this is a POTD photo
$isPOTD = sp_ValidatePotdPhoto($conn, $photoID);
//echo "
isPOTD =".$isPOTD;
// do not delete if a contest winner or POTD or EC
if ($isAcontestwinner == 0 && $isPOTD == 0) {
// deal with deletes
$q="UPDATE Photos SET post = 'No' WHERE photoID = " . $photoID . " AND memberID = " .$memberID;
//echo "
$location=str_replace(str_replace(str_replace(str_replace(str_replace(str_replace(str_replace($location," i "," I "),"& ","& "),'',"
$soundsLike = '';
if (!empty($photoTitle)) {
$soundsLike .= metaphone($photoTitle) . ' ';
if (!empty($photoDescription)) {
// strip out html and other crap
$photoDescriptionStripped = strip_tags($photoDescription);
$soundsLike .= metaphone($photoDescriptionStripped) . ' ';
// 'set to display or not
$cmdSetInMG = "UPDATE Photos SET favorite = '" . $catFree . "', post = 'Yes', photoTitle = '" . $photoTitle . "', photoDescription = '" . $photoDescription . "', soundsLike = '" . trim($soundsLike) . "', notifyMember = '" . $notifyMember . "', location = '" . $location . "' WHERE photoID = " . $photoID . " AND memberID = " . $memberID;
//echo "
0) {
// show way to get back to first decade 10, 20, 30
You Have No Photos to Manage
Not Signed In
It appears you are not logged in. It may be that your session timed out due to inactivity. Log in using the button above and try again.