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Photography Question 
- Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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Errick L. Cameron's Gallery

May countdown Thread

May Countdown Thread

Welcome to the May Countdown Thread. Hello all! This was the date that I had planned to start are thread and low and behold, I see that the staff favorites have already been posted! Please join us and share one or two of your favorite photos from last month. Congratulations to all of you who have received a favorite. I would still like to keep this site dedicated to YOUR FAVOITE OF LAST MONTH'S ENTRIES. There are so many fabulous photo posted on BP. So many very inspiring works of time and talent. I like this thread because its purpose is for each of us to show case your individual photo that you believe is your best or that you feel is most representative of your inner self. So... let's see your personal best!
*If you are a regular here you know what to do.
**If you are new to this thread, take some time to read our helpful hints below and join in the fun.
*** If you found yourself here because you are lost.... Hmmm.., Don't worry, this is not the Hotel California, you can escape!
Some helpful hints for attaching photos into a BP Forum Thread, if you're unfamiliar with the process:
1) Sign into BP. IF YOU HAVEN'T entered the Contest for today, you can use the "Photo ID" method to pull an existing image (from your Member Center) into your reply here.
a. Jot down the PhotoID # of the photo you wish to share. To determine your PhotoID, go to the little Pancakes icon, then click “My Photos”, then “Manage/Enter.” The PhotoID is right below the number.
b. Go to the Countdown Contest thread. Click “Respond” at the bottom of the page.
c. Type in whatever you wish; e.g., “Here’s my Fav image for the month.”
d. Click the “Select” button below the text input box, and select “1.” Toggle on “Notify” box if you wish to be notified. Click “Submit.”
e. The Image Uploader appears. On the right-hand side, you’ll see an input box for the PhotoID (from step 1a). Type it in then click “submit your photo.” Then, return to the forum thread and you’ll see your photo.
2) IF YOU HAVE ALREADY entered the Contest for today, you can't use the Photo ID method *today*. Either wait until tomorrow to reply here first, or upload a copy of the image (from your PC) and attach to this thread. This produces a duplicate image in your Member Center; however, you don't have to make that duplicate visible in your Gallery.
3) If you're uploading a duplicate, I suggest titling it "For Forum" so it stands out in your Member Center, for easier housecleaning later on. This can also help nudge BP viewers to go find the original image in your gallery, if they want to leave a comment. Likewise, if you want to add a comment to a photo seen here, first try to tell if it is a duplicate upload. As a courtesy, try to find the original image in the member's gallery and leave your comment there instead of on the duplicate... which may one day be deleted.

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June 15, 2017

- Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
Here are two of my favorites from last month. One made it to the EP round, the other did not. Can't wait to see your favorites for the month.

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June 15, 2017

- Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
Hello again. here is my favorite from last month that didn't make to the EP round. This was taken as the Sandhill Crains were settling for their evening roost on a sand bar.

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June 15, 2017

- Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
  On Sunday I will open this site up for you to share your hopeful Staff Favorite that you would like to move on to the Finalist round. Until then, I would like to see your personal favorite of last month.

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June 15, 2017

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery

Warning: Undefined variable $isAllTime in /var/www/html/forms/QnAdetail.php on line 498

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Warning: Undefined variable $isAllTime in /var/www/html/forms/QnAdetail.php on line 498 Editor's Pick  
Church Pew in Window Light
Church Pew in Window Light
Category: Elements of Design

Nikki McDonald

Well, my personal favorite DID manage a Staff Favorite, so I'll not post it here. Here's one that I like a lot that did not go on, though.

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June 15, 2017


Carrie Pichler

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Warning: Undefined variable $isAllTime in /var/www/html/forms/QnAdetail.php on line 498 Editor's Pick  

Carrie Pichler

My two favorites this month actually ended up moving on so I will wait. This photo, however, is one that I liked that didn't.

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June 15, 2017


Cary Rogers

Warning: Undefined variable $isAllTime in /var/www/html/forms/QnAdetail.php on line 498

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Warning: Undefined variable $isAllTime in /var/www/html/forms/QnAdetail.php on line 498 Editor's Pick  
Golden Yarrow Portrait
Golden Yarrow Portrait
f/4.0, 1/400 sec, 6.0mm, ISO-64. BG replaced.
Entered: 05/06/2017

Cary Rogers


Warning: Undefined variable $isAllTime in /var/www/html/forms/QnAdetail.php on line 498

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Warning: Undefined variable $isAllTime in /var/www/html/forms/QnAdetail.php on line 498 Editor's Pick  
macro of a pink/white rose f/8.0, 1/200 sec, 6.0mm, ISO-64, orig BG replaced. Entered: 05/26/2017

Cary Rogers

These 2 were probably my personal favorites that didn't go beyond an EP

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June 15, 2017

- Joanna Kovalcsik

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joanna Kovalcsik
Joanna Kovalcsik's Gallery

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June 15, 2017

- Joanna Kovalcsik

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joanna Kovalcsik
Joanna Kovalcsik's Gallery

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June 15, 2017

- Joanna Kovalcsik

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joanna Kovalcsik
Joanna Kovalcsik's Gallery Staff Favorite   Graphe

-- Stories of Cranbrook --

B&W conversion and composite image.
French Kiss text overlay and free textures applied.

Category: Digital Darkroom

Joanna Kovalcsik Editor's Pick  
Steering Gear
Steering Gear

-- Chevrolet Step-side Truck --

Category: Man-Made

Joanna Kovalcsik Editor's Pick  
Crushed Velvet
Crushed Velvet

-- Violets --

Topaz filters and Kerstin Frank texture applied.

Category: Flowers

Joanna Kovalcsik

These are my favorites from May that did not go on to Staff Favorite...

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June 15, 2017

- Joanna Kovalcsik

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joanna Kovalcsik
Joanna Kovalcsik's Gallery
  Well, I looked for "Do Not Enter" and couldn't find it this time. I had already put in my contest entries for today, so now these three from May are in my June entries list. Hopefully, because they exceed my day's limit, they will be ignored. :o/

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June 15, 2017

- Joanna Kovalcsik

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joanna Kovalcsik
Joanna Kovalcsik's Gallery
Okay, I performed a small test to see if, in my haste, I missed the "Do Not Enter" selection. I utilized it last month with success, but today it's simply not there. I can't see it anywhere on the photo ID page.

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June 15, 2017

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  So strange, Joanna. I looked for it, too - though I had not already entered today so maybe that was why I couldn't find it. Mine did NOT show up in my Current Contest Entries list, though.

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June 15, 2017

- Joanna Kovalcsik

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joanna Kovalcsik
Joanna Kovalcsik's Gallery
  It's a puzzle, Nikki! I'm glad you didn't experience any difficulties this time! :o)

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June 15, 2017

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dayna Cain
Dayna Cain's Gallery Staff Favorite   As Sweet As Spring
As Sweet As Spring

Dayna Cain

Here's my fave from May. I don't usually do "people" pics but I liked how this one turned out.

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June 15, 2017

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dayna Cain
Dayna Cain's Gallery
  I also looked for the "do not enter" and it isn't there. When I uploaded my fave to this thread my pic from May now shows up in my current entries.

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June 15, 2017

- Joanna Kovalcsik

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joanna Kovalcsik
Joanna Kovalcsik's Gallery
  Congratulations to everyone who received EP, Staff Favorite, and Finalist awards. Best wishes for the GOLD round! :o)

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June 15, 2017

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery Photo Contest Finalist   Tears of my Soul
Tears of my Soul
And I let them flow,
as they give a subtle glow,

Usman M. Bajwa

My fave for the month, which did not move any further from an EP badge. Good luck to all in the Golden round.

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June 16, 2017 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery Photo Contest Finalist   At the Stairs
At the Stairs
After my initial exploration here, to try out new multi-row panorama gear, I was happy with the resulting image (entitled "Parclose Stairs".) Or so I thought, in my early haste! Shortly after, I realized that image's composition could be (and should be) improved. Namely, the crisp shadow of the curving iron railing at lower right (itself a favorite subject of mine!) had been cut off in my image. I can't count how many times I've shot here; yet in my eagerness, I missed that the shadow would be lost. Back I went for a new set of images, setting up a few feet further back from the railing and capturing a far wider field of view, left to right.
I'm much happier with this result, largely due to that intact shadow, but also the long view down into the receding depths of the hall, and the inclusion of the dark oak door at left.
Always "work the scene", right?!! ;)
5/17 Finalist - ManMade

Chris Budny Editor's Pick  
Bridge, Boat and Broom
Bridge, Boat and Broom
Out and about in Venice during Carnevale... This seemed very much like an every-day scene for that week. Gondoliers endlessly plying the canals, visiting models in elaborate costumes, and then the common broom sitting out on a little balcony...

Chris Budny

A light month for me, with just 11 entries. And with the surprise "speedy results" for May, we already know Finalists before I even had a chance to pick some favs! ;) (Errick, if this trend continues, you'll have to go back to starting the thread on the 10th! Those were the days! ;)

A cathedral favorite (which has advanced) and a Venice favorite (which did not.)

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June 16, 2017


Rosina Horst
Here are two of my favorites which did not move past EP's. Actually none of my pictures went past EP'S:(. Good luck to all in the gold round!!!:)

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June 16, 2017


Rosina Horst Editor's Pick  

Rosina Horst

Here are my two favorites for May which did not go past EP's. actually none of my pictures for May went past EP's :(. Good luck to all in the Gold Metal round!!!:)

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June 16, 2017


Rosina Horst Editor's Pick  
Through a Magnifying Glass
Through a Magnifying Glass

Rosina Horst

Here is the next one.... Thankyou Errick for hosting this thread! Keep up the good work everyone!:)

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June 16, 2017

- Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
  Hello all! We appear to be progressing early through the contest. Jackpot announcements have just been made. I am going to open this thread up for all to post one or two of your hopefuls to move on to Gold. Good Luck To All!

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June 16, 2017

- Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery Photo Contest FIRST PLACE Winner   Friends

Errick L. Cameron

One of my Hopefuls...

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June 16, 2017 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Hopeful no more, Errick!
Congratulations on your win, and congratulations to all the gold winners!

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June 16, 2017

- Joanna Kovalcsik

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joanna Kovalcsik
Joanna Kovalcsik's Gallery
  Our May buds bloomed very early! ;o) Congratulations to everyone who received an EP, Staff Favorite, SILVER, Jackpot, or GOLD! Special congratulations to Denny as the Grand Prize winner!! Happy shooting and posting BP'ers. Enjoy the summer weeks ahead! :o)

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June 17, 2017

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Belated CONGRATZ to all in the May contest. Happy shooting for June.

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June 18, 2017

- Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
  Here is the navigation key to the June Countdown Thread. Hope to see you there!

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July 13, 2017

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