At the Stairs

Uploaded: May 01, 2017 | Entered: May 01, 2017 15:12:03


After my initial exploration here, to try out new multi-row panorama gear, I was happy with the resulting image (entitled "Parclose Stairs".) Or so I thought, in my early haste! Shortly after, I realized that image's composition could be (and should be) improved. Namely, the crisp shadow of the curving iron railing at lower right (itself a favorite subject of mine!) had been cut off in my image. I can't count how many times I've shot here; yet in my eagerness, I missed that the shadow would be lost. Back I went for a new set of images, setting up a few feet further back from the railing and capturing a far wider field of view, left to right.
I'm much happier with this result, largely due to that intact shadow, but also the long view down into the receding depths of the hall, and the inclusion of the dark oak door at left.
Always "work the scene", right?!! ;)
5/17 Finalist - ManMade


Harvey A. Ravitch May 02, 2017 0

I just got back from a very tough couple of days.. My brother in law passed...
Your image helped me to smile. Your images are So Outastanding they make me feel good at all times! Thank You! #1685357

Dayna Cain level-classic May 02, 2017 0

Your work leaves me speechless. #11590600

Chris Budny level-deluxe May 02, 2017 0

Harvey, I'm very sorry to hear of your family's loss. It is an honor to think that my image brightened your day at such a difficult time; thank you very much, and I'm glad this could bring a smile to you. #11590602

Chris Budny level-deluxe May 02, 2017 0

Dayna, thank you very much for such high regards! #11590606

Melinda F. Schneider level-classic June 04, 2017 0

What a splendid image! I also enjoy seeing a wider view of that gorgeous handrail!! #11604255

Chris Budny level-deluxe June 04, 2017 0

Thanks so much, Melinda! #11604420

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic June 16, 2017 0

SILVER sweetness! Congratulations on your Finalist, Chris. #11608951

Deborah Lewinson level-addict June 16, 2017 0

The second I saw this, I knew it was yours! Congrats on your awesome finalists, Chris, and best wishes for this next round! #11608963

Chris Budny level-deluxe June 16, 2017 0

Thank you both, Joanna & Deborah! (Deborah - yes, I reckon this one would be easy to peg as me! I never get tired of the cathedral or these particular stairs & railing!) #11609223

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