Hurry Up

© Scott Kozik

Hurry Up

Uploaded: April 09, 2003


No snails were injured during this shoot.


Henny Grevelink April 09, 2003

Scott, this is a very 'powerful' picture: slow versus fast! Great to read the processors name but not the type. Hope you didn't need extra power for the snail to catch up with the Pentium LOL! ;>) #29831

Ellen Peach level-classic May 26, 2019

Excellent creativity, Scott! #78772

Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019

Very creative and well done, Scott. AMD could use it for a commercial :0) #78776

Gene Gitman May 26, 2019

A very nice shot. SHould be in final. #78787

Judy M. Sayers May 26, 2019

Wonderful shot Scott!! I agree, this belongs in the winner's circle. Very whimsical too. Judy #78918

Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019

Congratulations on your win, Scott. Well done. #103809

Katherine Chan May 26, 2019

Congrats on the win! Clever one! Intel could use it for commercial as well! =) #103835

Judy M. Sayers May 26, 2019

Congratulations on winning Scott!! #103924

Mette Vendelboe Allison level-classic May 26, 2019

Very symbollic and good idea and well executed too! Congrats on your 2nd place! #104555

Thomasa February 04, 2004

LOL, great shot! I especially like how the yellow shadow of the chip matches the snail. #362256

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