Me Myself & I
Uploaded: March 14, 2010
~digital darkroom~
Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/100 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 50.00 mm, Model: NIKON D90
Chris Ebben March 14, 2010 0
Very well taken & presented. I like this one a lot. Very clever=^..^= #1248180Aimee C. Eisaman March 14, 2010 0
Thanks so much, Chris... these are all self-portraits, because I lacked a model. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out though! :~) #8454301
Rita K. Connell
March 14, 2010
Aimee C. Eisaman March 15, 2010 0
Thank you Rita! Yes I took three different images of myself. One of me holding the frame for the main photo then one of me holding the frame looking up and then one of just my head. It's not often I plan things out when taking pictures, but this time I did and I'm glad. Maybe I should try planning more often! Since I have been gone from the club I have so many images I want to share. I made reference that everyone could visit my gallery to see what I've been up to so many some will do that. :~) #8455596
Rita K. Connell
March 15, 2010
Aimee C. Eisaman March 15, 2010 0
Go for it! If you find doing the 3 images in one too much at first try just having them hold the frame and then put a photo of them making a funny face inside it. Just an idea for ya! :~) #8457720Tammy L. Newcomb March 17, 2010 0
Very creative Aimee and I like the way you are looking up at yourself and down at yourself.......LOL......Pretty cool. #8460436Aimee C. Eisaman March 17, 2010 0
Thanks Tammy...I'm trying all kinds of new things lately! Taking lessons with Jennifer Alder. :~) #8460461Jeff E Jensen March 17, 2010 0
Well, all I can say is that I'm glad you planned ahead for this one. This is really cool Aimee! Well done. #8461213Aimee C. Eisaman March 17, 2010 0
Thanks Jeff. There isn't much I can change about this one now even if my Phellos spot some things that need work because I don't have it saved in layers. I could always keep things in mind for the next time I do this type of image though. :~) #8461304
Laurence Saliba
March 17, 2010
Anthony L. Mancuso March 17, 2010 0
Excellent idea and well executed Aimee...very nice! #8461396Jeanine M. Bailey March 17, 2010 0
Very cool Aimee!! Looks like this was fun to do!! :) #8461453Joan E. Hoffman March 17, 2010 0
This is wonderful Aimee! A very fun image and very creative as well! It did indeed take planning to execute this one so well! #8461484Kathleen Nealon March 17, 2010 0
wonderfully executed great idea. #8461532Teresa H. Hunt March 17, 2010 0
I really like this shot Aimee. You did a wonderful job!I wonder if my boys will let me try something like this with them? #8461661
Dale Hardin March 17, 2010 0
Truly excellent Aimee. The three expressions and where they are looking make this very believable and fun. Super job on both planning and execution. One of my favorites from you. #8461789
Ellen H. Robertson
March 17, 2010
Michael Kelly
March 17, 2010
Aimee C. Eisaman March 17, 2010 0
Thanks so much was fun to do and I plan on using it more in the future on clients. :~) Yes Ellen I do remember a commercial where they passed a frame and it would freeze a shot of their face then stay in the frame while it was passed until it was held over someone elses face. I have no idea who it was though! :~) #8462042
Ellen H. Robertson
March 17, 2010
Debbie E. Payne March 18, 2010 0
This is just awesome, Aimee. I think I need lessons from your teacher.She has taught you some amazing things and this one is tops! I love how you've got your eyes in each image looking a different direction. Very, very clever and I agree that this type of image has Potential with a capital "P"! #8463421Aimee C. Eisaman March 19, 2010 0
Thank's Ellen! :~)And Thank you Debbie....she really is great! :~) #8465308
Usman M. Bajwa
March 22, 2010
UB. #8471200
Aimee C. Eisaman March 22, 2010 0
Thanks was fun to do this all by myself! :~) #8471671Anthony L. Mancuso March 23, 2010 0
Congrats on the EP for this super original image Aimee...wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see it again next month.. #8475253Aimee C. Eisaman March 23, 2010 0
I sure hope so Tony! :~) Thanks! #8475396Jodi M. Walsh March 25, 2010 0
congrats on the EP! you did a great job on this one #8478762Aimee C. Eisaman March 25, 2010 0
Thank you Jodi! :~) #8479209Kim Andelkovic April 12, 2010 0
Brilliant image......congrats #8527378Aimee C. Eisaman April 12, 2010 0
Thanks so much Kim! :~) #8527794
Ellen H. Robertson
April 16, 2010
Aimee C. Eisaman April 17, 2010 0
Thanks Ellen! :~) #8541292Jeff E Jensen April 19, 2010 0
Congrats on your finalist! #8543848Debbie E. Payne April 19, 2010 0
Just KNEW from the start that we would be seeing this one way past the EP's. Congratulations and I am thinking about you for the next round! #8544025Dale Hardin April 19, 2010 0
Way to Go Aimee! This was so predictable. Well done. #8544617Carrie M. Groseclose April 19, 2010 0
Huge congratulations on your wonderful Finalist Aimee. This is fantastic! #8544720Teresa H. Hunt April 19, 2010 0
Congrats on your Finalist!! I'm not suprised . . . this is an awsome and creative shot! :) #8544968Jennifer L. Alder April 19, 2010 0
Congrats, girl :) #8545539Tammy L. Newcomb April 19, 2010 0
Congratulations on your finalist. #8545661Kim Andelkovic April 19, 2010 0
I knew we would see this again.....congrats on a great image. #8546648
Stefania Barbier
April 19, 2010
Usman M. Bajwa
April 19, 2010
UB. #8547132
Anthony L. Mancuso April 19, 2010 0
This one was a no brainer Aimee! Congrats on the excellent finalist! #8547991Kathleen Nealon April 19, 2010 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your finalist. This has just got to be awarded winner. Because it has "creative and beautifully executed" written all over it. #8548258Linda Blair April 19, 2010 0
I'm sure we'll see this one again....outstanding work....congratulations!!!!!!!! #8549382Jodi M. Walsh April 19, 2010 0
congratulations on a well deserved finalist! #8549874Dawn M. Schneider April 20, 2010 0
Michael Kelly
April 20, 2010
Graham Robards April 20, 2010 0
Brilliant Aimee, congratulations. ~Pat #8552732Susie Peek-Swint April 21, 2010 0
Many congrats on your finalist and DD feature Aimee ~ very creative set-up and processing :) #8558513
Christine Lobsinger
April 21, 2010
COngrAts to you on your FINALIST AWaRD and I hope to see this one again!
INTO MY FAV'S it goes....
Karen E. Baumann April 21, 2010 0
Very creative with sharp details and a fun way to have a self portrait! Congratulations on your finalist and this DD feature, Aimee! #8558885
Loan Tran
April 22, 2010
Dianna Murphy April 22, 2010 0
Very clever. Congratulations on your feature in this weeks Digital Darkroom! Love your outfit. #8561626
Dr Silly
April 22, 2010
Valerie Y. Martin April 23, 2010 0
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing the photo with us. #8565040Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 25, 2010 0
Very creative Aimee! Congratulations on your feature and finalist! #8567313
Susan M. Reynolds
May 31, 2010
Linda Jackman September 15, 2010 0
Aimee, I love this.. so creative and fun. #8903094Kim Andelkovic September 15, 2010 0
Brilliant Finalist.....congratulations :-) #8903448
Christine Lobsinger
September 16, 2010
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