Be Still

Uploaded: November 26, 2001




Piper Lehman November 26, 2001 0

The contrasts and tones(?) here are beautiful, Jim. I always love a monochromatic photo. (I like the message too :)
pcl #2008

Piper Lehman November 26, 2001 0

By the way, Jim: I have updated my gallery, but the gallery home page still says "new" beside my name. Do I need to do something special to change this?
thnx. #3095

Jim Peak My Courses November 26, 2001 0

Hi Piper,

Thanks for the comments and for pointing that out about the Member Galleries. I have modified the page so that it should show that you have updated it.

Take care, #3100

Grayce Pedulla Dillon September 19, 2003 0

The photo is very nice. I like the simplicity of it, as well as the shadows, the architectural flair, and the ethnic flavor of it.
Best of all, the scripture speaks to me. I sometimes need that reminder.
Thanks! :-) + #205166

Janet Criswell level-classic May 09, 2021 1

Beautiful image, Jim. #11897904

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic May 09, 2021 6

Nice image Jim! #11897934

Bob D. Hall level-classic May 09, 2021 1

Simple beauty and a great message! Wonderful job!! #11897954

Judy Pilcher Pearson level-classic May 10, 2021 1

shadows, colors, textures all enhancing the focal point are incredible, Jim, and the message, oh the message..... #11897959

Nancy L. Green level-classic May 11, 2021 1

I love the scriptures you put up!! << #11898350

Jim Peak My Courses May 12, 2021 0

Thank you :) So nice! #11898539

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