Dimples and Dirt
Uploaded: June 20, 2005
This is Matthew again with his devoted parents. Taken after a fun-filled day at the park.
20.3mm,1/400,f/4.0,ISO 100 Caught Dad in a half blink so the shot was no good for a family portrait but Matthew was smiling so sweetly that I couldn't scrap it altogether. Converted to b&w, made a blurred layer, pasted it on top, erased over Matthew to make him sharp, and cloned some distracting white blotches out of the background. I like how it came out. You get the feeling that Matthew shines because he's flanked by loving support.
Lisa Clark June 20, 2005 0
I really like how you did this photo. Excellent presentation. #266226Amanda Price June 20, 2005 0
Lori S. Aschbrennermember since: 9/30/2004 This is a unique family portrait, Amanda! You've definitely captured an amazing smile on this adorable little toddler!
6/18/2005 2:03:45 PM
Sana Ahmed
Contact Sana
Sana's Gallery
member since: 5/30/2005 Very creative!
6/18/2005 2:05:58 PM
Margot Petrowski
Contact Margot
Margot's Premium Gallery
member since: 8/14/2004 LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6/18/2005 2:40:38 PM
Olivia Navarro
Contact Olivia
Olivia's Premium Gallery
member since: 1/22/2005 Sooo cute, Amanda!!! Great DOF and I LOVE your title!!!!!
6/18/2005 3:09:47 PM
Kate Jackson
Contact Kate
Kate's Premium Gallery
member since: 4/9/2004 What a good time you have depicted Amanda! A little bit of dirt never did anyone any harm!
6/18/2005 4:43:12 PM
Her Reine
Contact Her
Her's Premium Gallery
member since: 4/3/2005 Beautiful shot Amanda! Love it!
6/19/2005 12:46:00 AM
The Italian Eye
Contact The
The 's Premium Gallery
member since: 3/13/2004 super!!!!!!!
6/19/2005 9:45:23 AM
Laurence Saliba
Contact Laurence
Laurence's Premium Gallery
member since: 9/23/2004 Amanda I simply love this!!!! That selective focusing is just great!!!!
6/19/2005 12:45:18 PM
Laura E. OConnor
Contact Laura
Laura's Premium Gallery
member since: 5/12/2005 Adorable, Amanda! Nice fun family image!
6/19/2005 12:52:43 PM
Claudette Foote
Contact Claudette
Claudette's Gallery
member since: 1/22/2005 LOVE THIS!! perfect tittle too... just adorable..
6/20/2005 6:23:44 AM
Lynn Crawford
Contact Lynn
Lynn's Premium Gallery
member since: 1/27/2005 Oh this is cute, I really like how you blurred the parents in the background and can still see their smiles, great image :)
6/20/2005 7:19:58 AM
Shelly A. Van Camp
Contact Shelly
Shelly's Premium Gallery
member since: 2/9/2005 Great photo!! Well done..Shelly
6/20/2005 8:45:15 AM
Amanda Price
Contact Amanda
Amanda's Premium Gallery
member since: 7/23/2004 Thank-you all for your sweet comments!
6/20/2005 8:56:52 AM
Amanda Price June 20, 2005 0
Thank-you, Lisa! #1492862Tammy L. Odell June 20, 2005 0
Great save on a wonderful photo Amanda!! #1492874Amanda Price June 20, 2005 0
Thanks, Micheal and Tammy! I really appreciate your comments!Here's the original for comparison. #1492884
Isabel L June 20, 2005 0
Aww how adorable I love the effects that you did to this! #1492891Amanda Price June 20, 2005 0
Thanks, Isabel! Nice to see you again! #1492898April Riggs June 20, 2005 0
Great DOF, love this shot! #1493240Isabel L June 20, 2005 0
Yeah! :) I havent talked to you in awhile! Hope your ok! :) #1493349Michelle Lea Guinn June 20, 2005 0
Fantastic job on this!! Love it!! mlg #1493586Dale Gast June 20, 2005 0
Very nice, Amanda! Great job on the effects1 #1494505
Sandy Landon
June 21, 2005
Alisha L. Ekstrom June 21, 2005 0
OMGOSH Amanda...This is fabulou!!! You did an awesome save on this priceless capture of his wonderful smile. I really like what you did!!! Very creative!!!:) #1496389Mary N C. Taitt June 21, 2005 0
Nice shot, I like your treatment, it's interesting and effective--I liked seeing the original too. Mary #1497736Amanda Price June 21, 2005 0
Thanks alot everybody! Isabel, I'm doing great! #1498002Kristy E. Lane June 24, 2005 0
This turned out so great! I love his smile and your effects really work. Cute idea:-) #1513454Amanda Price June 24, 2005 0
Thanks , Kristy! #1515828Kevin Burns July 23, 2005 0
Nothing but smiles for you!! CONGRATS!! Super work! #1622657Ken Grooms July 23, 2005 0
Beautiful, again...congratulations again! #1623723Alisha L. Ekstrom July 23, 2005 0
WTG FRIEND!!! Congrats on this splendid photo. Good luck:) #1623734Melissa L. Zavadil July 23, 2005 0
Amanda you are on a roll girl!! These are all great shots!! Congrats!! #1623787Lynn Crawford July 23, 2005 0
Congrats Amanda , great job :) #1624587Susana Ms Heide July 23, 2005 0
Very unique "family" photo!! Many CONGRATS! #1626450Mary N C. Taitt July 23, 2005 0
Congratulations! Great work, nice shot. Mary #1626785Jennifer Rennison July 23, 2005 0
Adorable, Amanda, congratulations on all your finalist!! #1627290Goshka G. July 23, 2005 0
Congrats on ALL your wonderful finalists, Amanda!! #1627491KHAWLA Haddad July 23, 2005 0
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Amanda awesome work best of luck in the next round!!!!!!!. #1627682Deb Holmes-Hatfield July 23, 2005 0
And again Amanda, way to go! #1628107Tammy Scott July 24, 2005 0
Congratulations again, Amanda! #1629052Amanda Price July 24, 2005 0
Thank-you all very, very much! It seems that the BP judges love little Matthew! He's in three of my finalists. #1629679S J July 24, 2005 0
Congratulations on this outstanding Finalist, Amanda!! #1631281
Sandy Landon
July 24, 2005
Andrea Tuft December 09, 2005 0
What a great picture! I love your idea to still use the picture after dad didn't look so great! #2167157
Erica Murphy
December 27, 2005
Erica #2224986
Tara Johnston June 15, 2006 0
What a simple and yet effective idea - well done. #2897521Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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