The Cliffs Off The Coast Of Kaua'i

© Jeffrey R. Bange

The Cliffs Off The Coast Of Kaua'i

Uploaded: January 29, 2010


Shutter Speed: 1/320
Aperture: f/11.0
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO Speed: 400

Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/320 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 50.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 20D


Toni Riggs February 28, 2010

Beautiful image, congrats! #1243480

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic February 28, 2010

Beautiful light and composition, Jeffrey. CONGRATZ. on the POTD!

UB. #8421381

Katarina Mansson February 28, 2010

Congratulations on your beautiful POTD Jeffrey! #8421392

Michelle Alton February 28, 2010

Congratulations, Jeffrey! A great selection for POTD!
Michelle #8421454

Joy Rector February 28, 2010

congrats on the POTD #8421508

Kathryn Wesserling February 28, 2010

Magnificent! #8421510

Richard M. Waas February 28, 2010

Just magnificent...... Congrats on you POTD! #8421527

Nikki McDonald level-classic February 28, 2010

Congratulations on the POTD, Jeffrey. Beautiful place. #8421530

Wayne T. Fisk February 28, 2010

Great Shot and congrats on POTD!!!Trekked it but did not sail around it!
~Wayne #8421543

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic February 28, 2010

OH beautiful.....

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #8421604

JO ANN CLEVELAND February 28, 2010

Beautiful Jeffery! I love that area...congratulations on your POTD

jo ann c. #8421640

Carolyn M. DAlessandro February 28, 2010

What came to mind seeing this "Awesome" image was...WOW! Awesome image,location and win...Congratulations Jeffrey...well done! #8421681

Debra R. Harder February 28, 2010

This is GORGEOUS, Jeffrey! Huge Congratulations on your SUPERB POTD!!! Deb #8421917

Jeffrey R. Bange February 28, 2010

I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your kind comments as they are truly appreciated. I just recently joined Better Photo several months ago and I feel quite honored to have received my first POTD. Thanks again to all of you and may the next picture you take be a POTD...... Jeff


Jeffrey R. Bange February 28, 2010

I would just like to clarify that even though it shows that I have been a member since April 24, 2002 I have not been active until several months ago. When I originally joined my job took me away from my hobby and it wasn't until I just took early retirement that I was able to get back into it, I guess I have a few years of catching up to do...... Jeff #8422114

Rona L. Schwarz February 28, 2010

Beautiful capture, Jeff! Wonderful composition and lighting. Congratulations on your POTD and may you have many more! #8422173

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe February 28, 2010

Congrats Jeff on your Fantastic POTD!! Jeff #8422631

Laura E. Swan level-classic February 28, 2010

Spectacular, Jeff! So, so beautiful!

Congrats on yr huge BP POTD Honor.

-Laura Swan #8423073

Richard D. Love March 01, 2010

Congratulations, Jeff. Outstanding light and comp. Well done.

Rick #8423827

Jeffrey R. Bange March 01, 2010

Thank you Rona, Jeff, Laura and Richard as I truly appreciate each and everyone of your kind comments. #8423967

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 01, 2010

Incredible scenery, mood and light. An excellent POTD Jeffrey! Congratulations!!! #8424275

Jeffrey R. Bange March 01, 2010

Thank you Donna I really appreciate it. #8425564

Guy D. Biechele level-classic March 08, 2010

Gorgeous scene with wonderful light. Well captured. Congratulations on your POTD, Jeff! #8440178

Christine Lobsinger level-classic June 28, 2011

Simply superb!!! Love the mood, feel, the 'Wanting to be there' right NOW!
Congrats to you Jeff on a beautiful view/shot and on your POTD!
Smiling Big,
PS your gallery is FANTASTIC!!! #9492059

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