buckboard memories palette

© Brian Lobdell

buckboard memories palette

Uploaded: June 14, 2005


This weathered paint subject was taken with macro setting on my first digital, a Mavica, outdoors in my yard in afternoon light. I treated the photo with sharpening, contrast and saturation filters, and then adjusted the color with hue and merge-cloud filters, all in Adobe photo suite. Final treatment was a slight emboss from Corel custom photo software.


Kerby Pfrangle July 25, 2005 0


Congratulations on your second place win.

Job well done. Kerby #283435

Christy L. Densmore July 25, 2005 0

Brian, great shot, great work in PS. The affect just seemed perfect. Congratulations on your win, well deserved. #1635040

KHAWLA Haddad July 25, 2005 0

Congratulations on this wonderful winner!!! #1635872

Joy Rector July 25, 2005 0

Congrats on your win. #1636341

Cora Miller level-classic July 26, 2005 0

I find this image very intriguing. Congratulations on your win! #1638613

Brian Lobdell July 26, 2005 0

Thank you all for your kind comments and support. As a newer member I'm very humbled to be in the company of such striking creations. My congratulations to all the finalists and winners! #1638754

Sharon Day July 26, 2005 0

Big congratulations on this well deserved win, Brian!!! WTG! #1641191

Loraine Arnold August 21, 2005 0

Great close-up and nice texture. #1746945

Brian Lobdell August 23, 2005 0

Thanks Loraine, much appreciated! #1753800

Luis Louro September 26, 2005 0

Congrats Brian, great texture!!! #1885163

Brian Lobdell September 30, 2005 0

Luis - Thanks so much for your comments on this work, and also my "mask" photo. Your comments are truly appreciated - especially after viewing your superb gallery with your magnificent nature captures! #1901173

Sandra Freyler October 01, 2005 0

Congratulations! This is an awesome image, Brian! Great shot and find! #1904828

Stephen Zacker October 01, 2005 0

Super eye and textures. Congratulations #1905605

Brian Lobdell October 02, 2005 0

Thanks for taking time to comment Stephen! I admire your work - you have such great color & saturation in your images! #1907018

Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 14, 2005 0

A late congratulations on this beautiful image!! #1949625

Mary K. Robison November 11, 2005 0

Brian, your PS work on this abstract really paid off ~ a belated Congrats! to you on a well-earned win. #2064076

Brian Lobdell November 12, 2005 0

Thank you so much, Mary! I was fortunate enough to win with this my first month in BP...and now of course, I'm hooked! Glad to see your POTD has gotten so many deserved accolades, congratulations again to you! #2065333

Hurk (Steve) Hurkett December 27, 2006 0

Love the colors and the texture .. Brian

Steve Hurkett #3745400

Brian Lobdell December 28, 2006 0

Thanks so much, Steve! The recognition for this comp is what got me hooked on BP! #3747572

Katarina Mansson January 05, 2007 0

Impressive what you have done with an old every day detail which normally would go unnoticed. Congratulations on another super picture and the prize! #3782941

Brian Lobdell January 06, 2007 0

Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, katarina! #3785645

Hurk (Steve) Hurkett January 06, 2007 0

Really like the effects, Brian ...

Steve Hurkett #3785736

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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