Cyclist - Panning
Uploaded: September 27, 2001
Panning shot of a bicycle racer.
Jim Peak
My Courses March 09, 2004
If your subject is moving by you at a slower rate, you may need to go down to a slower shutter speed, like 1/30 or 1/15.
Remember, you have to shoot A LOT of images when panning to get one good one. I have plenty of versions with blurry riders to go along with this one semi-crisp one.
Also, be sure he is at a 90 degree angle to the path the subject is travelling along. This greatly helps the photographer get a good panning shot. If the subject is coming at you, this reduces the likelihood of getting a great image. #415934
Charles Dias April 01, 2004 0
Great sport photo ... perfect panning.
Jim Peak
My Courses April 01, 2004
Sue, if you would like to learn how to shoot images like this, start by trying out the above techniques. Feel free to ask me specific questions after that. #458144
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