Mouth Full
Uploaded: December 03, 2009
submitted 12/2/09, animals. Female cardinal with her mouth full
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: -0.33, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 340.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Jeff Robinson
December 03, 2009
Monnie Ryan December 03, 2009 0
She's so pretty -- fantastic detail in those wings! Ours haven't come around to the feeder area in full force yet, but they're likely to show up once the first snowfall hits (could happen in a few days). #8186295Julianne Bradford December 03, 2009 0
What a subtle pretty girl with great detail and bg Carol! #8186302
Patrick Rouzes
December 03, 2009
Tammy M. Anderson
December 03, 2009
Jack Ryan December 03, 2009 0
Awesome detail and beautiful color...what an excellent portrait of this beautiful bird. Very well done as usual, Carol. #8186404Ron McEwan December 03, 2009 0
Excellent Carol, she still has the sunflower seed in her beak. #8186520Robin R. December 03, 2009 0
Beautiful capture. The detail is fantastic. #8186547Liz blahh December 03, 2009 0
Beautifully captured! Ditto on the detail. #8186769Barbara Waldoch December 03, 2009 0
Fantastic shot, Carol! #8186918Marty Straub December 03, 2009 0
Great shot, Carol. Cardinals seem so hard to capture well, but you seem to have no problem with anything. She's a beauty, all puffed up for the photo, and your pov brought her head in line with the perfect spot of the bg. #8187905Debra R. Harder December 03, 2009 0
OMG, Carol! This is brilliant! Talk about superb clarity and doesn't get any better than this. A winner in my book! Deb #8188127John Connolly December 03, 2009 0
Incredible detail and fabulous color tones here Carol! An above average image, in every respect! #8188476Mark Dodge December 03, 2009 0
Above average... yes... hmmm.... never heard it put quite that way, but I guess that works.LOL! :o) #8188904
Summer A. Kozisek December 04, 2009 0
Gorgeous capture Carol, beautiful details and clarity!! #8189577
Sherran Andersen
December 04, 2009
Kelly S. Cavanaugh December 05, 2009 0
What a wonderful capture, Carol!!! #8191529Carol L. Fowler December 05, 2009 0
Thanks for the comments, everyone. #8191946Sam Britt December 06, 2009 0
Terrific capture of this female cardinal, Carol. Great detail, color & clarity. #8194482Fran J. Jagger January 01, 2010 0
Love the details, comp and color!! Great capture! :) #8261011Mary K. Robison March 19, 2010 0
Marvelous clarity and light in this lovely capture, Carol!Tommy E. Burgess March 19, 2010 0
Huge congratulations on your beautiful and well deserved POTD Carol!! #8465069
Evy Johansen
March 19, 2010
Usman M. Bajwa
March 19, 2010
UB. #8465075
Patti Coblentz March 19, 2010 0
Big congratulations, Carol..WTG!!!Patti #8465076
Steve M. Harrington March 19, 2010 0
Good on you, Carol!
Kathy Salerni
March 19, 2010
Phyllis A. Houghton March 19, 2010 0
congratulations! It is a beautiful photo. Unique capture of full mouth. #8465093Toni Riggs March 19, 2010 0
Fantastic image, congrats! #8465103Katarina Mansson March 19, 2010 0
Stunning birdie capture! Congratulations on your POTD! #8465110Heather Thorsen March 19, 2010 0
Congratulations on your POTD Carol. What a beautiful bird.Julie Christiansen March 19, 2010 0
Congrats.........outstanding. #8465177Susie Peek-Swint March 19, 2010 0
Great capture and detail Carol ~ many congrats on POTD! #8465193
Deborah Lewinson
March 19, 2010
Debby #8465200
Tammy M. Anderson
March 19, 2010
Marilyn Cornwell March 19, 2010 0
Congrats on your POTD, Carol! #8465228Richard M. Waas March 19, 2010 0
Carol, Congrats on your well deserved POTD. This is a fabulous image. #8465274
William C. Raco
March 19, 2010
Anita Hogue March 19, 2010 0
Congratulations Carol, on this wonderful POTD! #8465330
Patricia A. Casey
March 19, 2010
Joy Rector March 19, 2010 0
congrats on the POTD #8465336Ruth Grimm March 19, 2010 0
Congratulations on this gorgeous POTD, Carol. She's a real beauty!! #8465377
Nikki McDonald
March 19, 2010
Kathleen Rinker March 19, 2010 0
Excellent image, congrats on your POTD!! #8465384Daniella Puente March 19, 2010 0
Congratulations on this fabulous capture Carol! #8465455Karen Celella March 19, 2010 0
Congratulations on your POTD award Carol. This is one beautiful cardinal capture! #8465513Carolyn Morgan March 19, 2010 0
Congratulations --- she is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l ! #8465517Laura L. Regnier March 19, 2010 0
Carol, all I can say is WOW, great shot!
Carol Eade
March 19, 2010
Robyn A. Terrell March 19, 2010 0
Congrats on this amazing POTD, Carol! #8465579Donna J. Eaton March 19, 2010 0
She's beautiful and looks like she's had plenty to eat during the Winter. Congrats on your POTD! #8465595Jean-Pierre Ducondi March 19, 2010 0
Big congrats Carol on your POTD. well done.
Nancyj E. Hovey
March 19, 2010
Amanda J. Tanner
March 19, 2010
Cathy Barrows March 19, 2010 0
Congrats on your POTD...excellent #8465685
Christine Lobsinger
March 19, 2010
SMILING #8465868
Amy M. Wilson March 19, 2010 0
Big congratulations on your excellent POTD, Carol!!! #8465960Debra R. Harder March 19, 2010 0
WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOOO!!! WTG, Carol!! Huge congratulations on your OUTSTANDING POTD!! This is truly SUPERB!!! Deb #8466014
R. J. Laudenbacher
March 19, 2010
Elsa Gary March 19, 2010 0
congratulations carol! this is beautiful! great capture. #8466069Valentin M. Armianu March 19, 2010 0
Congratulations on your POTD! Excellent photo Carol!! #8466276Rona L. Schwarz March 19, 2010 0
WOW and WOW again! What a fantastic capture, Carol! The detail on this little girl (actually she is a pretty big girl!) is amazing. Simply terrific! CONGRATS on a well-deserved POTD! #8466291Mark Dodge March 19, 2010 0
Way to go, Carol :o)
... from Cozumel #8466318
Kathleen K. Parker
March 19, 2010
Kim Andelkovic March 19, 2010 0
Congratulations Carol on a beautiful POTD.......WTG :-) #8466475
Jeff Robinson
March 19, 2010
Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 19, 2010 0
Such a beautiful POTD Carol, congrats! #8466622Angie M. Davis March 19, 2010 0
HUGE congrats on you POTD, Carol! This is gorgeous!!! #8466789Jeffrey R. Bange March 20, 2010 0
Congratulations Carol on a well deserved POTD, love the detail in the wings. #8466820Donna McMillan March 20, 2010 0
Gorgeous capture! Congrats! #8467144Maria Coulson March 20, 2010 0
Carol,Kathleen R. Struckle March 20, 2010 0
Wonderful capture Carol. Congrats on POTD!! #8467924
Lindley Johnson
March 20, 2010
Kelly S. Cavanaugh March 20, 2010 0
Congratulations on your wonderful POTD, Carol!! #8468369Dianna Murphy March 21, 2010 0
Hey CarolCarol L. Fowler March 21, 2010 0
Thanks, everyone! I just got back into town so will now belatedly thank you all! #8470534Ujjwal Mukherjee March 23, 2010 0
Congratulations on your outstanding POTD,Carol!! #8473989Nancy (Peaches) Harker March 30, 2010 0
HUGE Congrats on AWSOME POTD #8495583Carol Teal May 02, 2010 0
Such a fat lady! I love cardinals! We had so many that came to our feeder when we lived in TN. The male would bring the babies to a nearby bush and get food from the feeder and feed them. I heard baby cardinals so much, I know them now when I hear them call. Congrats on your wonderful POTD! #8583179Bill Houghton January 04, 2012 0
Carol, great shot of this cardinal. She is beautiful. Outstanding sharpness and bokeh. Have a great week, Bill #9900650Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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