Notre Dame Cathedral Strasbourg, France

© Carlton Ward

Notre Dame Cathedral Strasbourg, France

Uploaded: April 03, 2009


f/4, ISO160, 6.0s, 10mm, tripod

Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: -1.00, ExposureTime: 6/1 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 160, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 10.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D


Randy D. Dinkins level-classic April 04, 2009 0

Beautiful image!! Great pov and color. #1108467

Stefania Barbier level-classic April 04, 2009 0

absolutely SUPERB!!! (sigh, I wasn't there...!) #7369754

Carlton Ward level-classic April 05, 2009 0

This has been redone a bit. This original capture is as it was shot - the ONLY editing was to remove & blur/blend (clone & healing brush) the lower part of the frame where there were people walking by while my 6 second shutter was doing its capture. The rest - colors, clouds were as taken. Would have liked a little more DOF but with a crowd passing by, I opted to keep my shutter speed as fast as possible. #7374217

Joanna Madloch April 05, 2009 0

Absolutely fantastic and dynamic. I love cathedrals, this one is just exquisite.

Dianna Murphy April 09, 2009 0

Wow, Carlton I would have guessed that you used a filter - like the ones you've been talking about in the forum. This is fantastic, congratulations on a superb image! #7386736

Sharon May 04, 2009 0

Amazing work!! #7483301

Robert K. Bemus level-classic June 20, 2009 0

Very moody and compelling photo-- awesome shot, Carlton!! #7653749

Carol L. Fowler June 21, 2009 0

Wonderful mood- very Gothic! A Fav! #7662041

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe June 24, 2009 0

What a great point of view, Carlton. I love it!
KK #7671790

Aimee C. Eisaman October 13, 2009 0

Awesome shot...LOVE the POV! Thanks for adding it to 'Photography A-Z'! :~) #8033353

Susan M. Reynolds level-classic October 19, 2009 0

Beautiful and amazing photo! Love the hue :) #8048975

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