The color of fall.
Uploaded: March 26, 2005
Susana Ms Heide March 26, 2005 0
AMAZINGLY beautiful! #229231Amanda Olson March 26, 2005 0
Just a magnificent photograph Rostitlav! I love the colors and softness; Just lovely!!! :) #1208027Margot Petrowski March 26, 2005 0
WOW!!! I love this!!! #1208124Gustavo Márquez March 28, 2005 0
Really a good work! Fanstatic portrait of colors! #1210158Mary K. Robison April 16, 2005 0
Gorgeous! Congratulations on your POTD! #1258598
Evy Johansen
April 16, 2005
Susie Peek-Swint April 16, 2005 0
Beautiful image ~ well deserved potd ~ congrats! #1258638Costas Partassides April 16, 2005 0
lovely image ! congrats on your potd ! #1258722Kate Jackson April 16, 2005 0
Really beautiful image, Rostislav! Congrats!! #1258728Scott Pedersen April 16, 2005 0
Excellent shot. #1258815Laura Clay-Ballard April 16, 2005 0
Wow. Fantastic. Gorgeous.
Deborah Lewinson
April 16, 2005
Carolyn J. Connolly April 16, 2005 0
Absolutely gorgeous autumn image, Rostislav! MANY congratulations on making Photo Of The Day with it - it is SO deserved! :-) #1258991Loreen Smith April 16, 2005 0
Very beautiful! #1259113Leonard Pierce April 16, 2005 0
Congratulations Rostislav!!! Very beautiful and very well done! #1259194Blanca Acosta April 16, 2005 0
a perfect photo. #1259240Cathy Barrows April 16, 2005 0
Congrats on your is beautiful #1259246Virginia L. Allison April 16, 2005 0
Congrats...beautiful photo. I can smell Fall by just looking at it. #1259267Ralph A. Velasco April 16, 2005 0
I took a VERY similar shot but from under the Charles Bridge - same boat and everything. I didn't see this perspective but it's great. I was there in spring and so didn't catch these colors, either. Good stuff. #1259273Elisabeth A. Gay April 16, 2005 0
What a beautiful POTD - congratulations RostislavSanford Dickerson April 16, 2005 0
Absolutely beautiful. would make a great wall hanging in someones office or home. Wish I made the photo. #1259292Wendy Stevenson April 16, 2005 0
Really beautiful image. The treatment is well done and deserved of POTD!!! I really like the perspective too!! #1259383Terri L. Scribner April 16, 2005 0
Absolutely beautiful, Rostislave!! #1259410Alicia A. Bruce April 16, 2005 0
beautiful, I love it #1259441Kimberly J. Whipps April 16, 2005 0
This is fabulous. I love the colors and the added effects. I think it is perfect. deserve it! #1259494
Melissa Papaj
April 16, 2005
Greg McCroskery
April 16, 2005
Sandy Driscoll
April 16, 2005
ANN VARELIS April 16, 2005 0
Ted, re your comment above, yes, it would be interesting to see what it may have looked like 'before', but I wouldnt say "too bad" because art is not always what in fact you see, art is also what you see in your dreams and imagination and I think this is a perfect dream on photograph! I wish I had Greg's skills to create this photography-then I would put many of my dreams on print! Wonderful job! #1259804Cindy K. Bracken April 16, 2005 0
This is absolutely beautiful...the colors and softness are gorgeous. Congrats on a well-deserved POTD!Goshka G. April 16, 2005 0
Simply a beautiful scene!! Love the colors! #1259880Nancy C. Cassell April 17, 2005 0
You are very talented photographer and artist. Would you please share how you produced this final image? #1260489
William C. Raco
April 17, 2005
bill #1260528
Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 17, 2005 0
This is fabulous!! Lovely work!! #1260533Mary L. Lemley April 17, 2005 0
Beauty is in the eye of the "beholder" and I definitely see beauty here!!! I did'nt even think of ps. editing until Ted? mentioned it. I haven't learned to use in my case, Arcsoft, as I would rather be out in the beauty itself capturing moments like this, and maybe some day I will visit a place outside of Alabama and if it catches my eye, shoot it in my OWN style also. Until then happy shooting and well-deserved POTD!!! Mary Lemley. #1260611
Kathleen K. Parker
April 17, 2005
Mette Vendelboe Allison
April 21, 2005
Dan Holm April 22, 2005 0
CONGRATULATIONS, Rostislav!!! A VERY well deserved FIRST PLACE win!!!!! Gorgeous! #1279084Jordi Delgado April 22, 2005 0
Wonderful shot, Rostislav!! Congratulations!!!:-)) #1279245
Diane Dupuis April 22, 2005 0
Congrats! #1280137Judith G. Secco April 22, 2005 0
A very beautiful image. Congratulations on your first place win.Patricia A. Kuniega April 22, 2005 0
Simply wonderful! It takes us all away to another place, something which every great photo of this kind should do. How marvelous that with your special skills you have transported the viewer to such a beautiful location, if only in our minds. Superb work! Congratulations! #1280770Tom Andersen April 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on your win, Rostislav! This is truly a standout image in my book! I really love the fabulous color! #1280824Claudette Foote April 22, 2005 0
Just a magnificent photograph Congratulations on your win, Rostislav #1281004Piotr M. Organa April 22, 2005 0
Beautiful photo! Congratulations, Rostislav!!!Cathy Barrows April 22, 2005 0
Congrats on your win!...just beautiful #1281825Wendy Stevenson April 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on this beautiful FIRST PLACE win!!! #1281877Joline Frazier April 22, 2005 0
Congratulations on your win, it is a wonderfully colorful photo. #1281965Bobbie Davis April 22, 2005 0
Congrats on this wonderful first place win!!! #1282034Cesar J. La Rosa April 23, 2005 0
This image is a dream, Rostilav!!!Mary K. Robison April 23, 2005 0
Rostilav, whatever you did to make this image as outstanding as it is, BRAVO!And CONGRATULATIONS! on your well-earned First Place Win! #1282753
Mette Vendelboe Allison
April 23, 2005
Cora Miller
April 23, 2005
Jennifer S April 24, 2005 0
Congrats on your win, Rostilav! Gorgeous shot!! #1285182Leonard Pierce April 24, 2005 0
Congratulations on your First Place win Rostislav!!! #1286579Ed Heaton April 24, 2005 0
Congrats on this fine image! #1287727Michael McCook April 25, 2005 0
Congratulations Rostislav, Great Image #1289276Nancy Donnell April 25, 2005 0
Great compositiona and beautiful colors! #1291030Sue L. Cullumber April 25, 2005 0
What gorgeous colors!! #1291050Dolores Neilson April 26, 2005 0
This is a wall hanger!! Congrats on first place Rostislav!! Just wonderful!! #1292080Carolyn J. Connolly April 27, 2005 0
Rostislav, I LOVED this image from the first moment I saw it!! :o)Sincere congratulations on your VERY deserved First Place win with it, and, I agree with Dolores - this would make a wonderful picture on the wall of ANY home, anywhere!! :-)
I'm sure you have many other beautiful images, Rostislav, so how about activating your gallery, and displaying some more of them for us to view?! Thank you... ;-) #1294667
Peggy Wolff May 04, 2005 0
Congratulations, this is stunning! Looks like a magical dream vacation. :o) #1319875bob cornelison May 12, 2005 0
Congrats on this great shot!Els De Winter May 12, 2005 0
Congratulations! Beautiful shot! Lovely colours! #1344840Darren K. Fisher May 22, 2005 0
What a beautiful view and so full of wonderful colors. Congrats on your well deserved win. Better late than never. #1378139Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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