Suck It Up!

Uploaded: March 18, 2005


f7.0, ISO 120, 1/20, 125 mm zoom, Colored straws. Featured Photo of the Day


Jessica McCollam March 18, 2005

This is cool, Michelle! I like all the different colors you have here.
Have a great Friday!!!:) #226378

Lisa D. Greer March 18, 2005

Hey, this photo really sucks! But in a VERY GOOD way! LOL Great idea Michelle, and great macro shot! You go girl! :D #1188353

Detrick V. Martin March 18, 2005

Great Color and Great perspective! #1188354

Michelle Lea Guinn March 18, 2005

Thanks for the bright colors!! It is a rainy day here!! Great photo!! mlg #1188369

Dale Ann Cubbage March 18, 2005

Great colors and fun image Michelle!

da #1188398

Dan Holm March 18, 2005

I love it! EXCELLENT and very creative abstract, Michelle!! #1188402

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic March 18, 2005

Very well done, Michelle!!!! I love the bright colors. Shelly~ #1188434

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 18, 2005

Hi Michelle, I really like what you have captured here. The beautiful colors against the black background. Keep up the great work and enjoy your weekend!! #1188586

Susie Peek-Swint March 18, 2005

Good detail and composition Michelle ~ I like all the Spring colours you've selected! #1188614

Colette M. Metcalf March 18, 2005

Excellent!!! #1188643

Michelle R. Kovach March 18, 2005

Thank you Jessica, Lisa, Detrick, Michelle, Dale Ann, Dan, Shelly, Donna, Susan, & Colette! I appreciate all your comments! Have a great weekend everyone!
Michelle #1188918

Gail Vitikacs level-classic March 18, 2005

Fun shot Michelle!!! #1188959

Candice C. Calhoun level-deluxe March 18, 2005

WAY cool, Michelle...I think you have a winner here! Have a great weekend!

ccc #1188974

Mary J. Costa Pearson March 18, 2005

cool marco Michelle!!!! #1189028

Michelle R. Kovach March 18, 2005

Thank you Gail, Candice & Mary!
I appreciate all your comments!
Candice, I guess we'll see if I do or not! :)
Have a great day!
Michelle #1189304

Judy S. Fung March 18, 2005

What a fun and colorful image, Michelle! Wonderful bright colors against the black bg. Love this! #1189350

Michelle R. Kovach March 18, 2005

Thanks Judy!
I appreciate your comments! Have a great weekend!
Michelle #1189368

Elisabeth A. Gay March 18, 2005

Great colours and persepective on this Michelle
Ann #1189432

Michelle R. Kovach March 18, 2005

Thank you very much Ann! I appreciate it!
Have a great day!
Michelle #1189804

S J April 27, 2005

Congratulations on this OUTSTANDING, POTD win, Michelle!! #1295296

Dan Holm April 27, 2005

Awesome, Michelle!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your well deserved POTD! #1295303

Susie Peek-Swint April 27, 2005

Many congrats on potd Michelle ~ well done! #1295327

Leanne M.E. Boyd April 27, 2005

Congrats Michelle, on your POTD! #1295362

Darren K. Fisher April 27, 2005

A big congrats on your POD Michelle. #1295368

Judy S. Fung April 27, 2005

Congrats on your POTD, Michelle! #1295384

Tammy McAllister April 27, 2005

Congratulations on your POTD Michelle!
Tootles #1295439

Allan L. Whitehead April 27, 2005

Michelle, congratulations on this wonderful POTD win, it's very richly deserved, my very dear friend - your friend, Allan #1295499

Allan L. Whitehead April 27, 2005

Michelle, congratulations on this wonderful POTD win, it's very richly deserved, my very dear friend - your friend, Allan #1295500

Colette M. Metcalf April 27, 2005

CONGRATULATIONS Michelle on your POTD!!!! #1295587

Scott Pedersen April 27, 2005

Cool, like the colors against the black background. Like the arrangement too. Good work. #1295607

Kathleen Clemons April 27, 2005

Congrats, Michelle!! #1295622

William C. Raco level-classic April 27, 2005

This is beautiful
Congratulations, Michelle!


Wendy Stevenson April 27, 2005

Wonderfully colourful and fun POTD!! Congratulations Michelle!! Great job! #1295689

Lisa D. Greer April 27, 2005

Congrats Michelle! You go girl! :D #1295694

Debra Booth April 27, 2005

Cool shot, Michelle! Congrats on POTD! #1295753

Charlene Bayerle April 27, 2005

Way to go Michelle!!!Congratulations!!!!! #1295762

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 27, 2005

Congratulations on POTD! Great shot, Michelle! #1295790

Mark R. Alonso April 27, 2005

Great composition. Love the color #1295792

Diane Dupuis April 27, 2005

Congrats Michelle on your well deserved POTD! #1295795

Deborah Lewinson level-addict April 27, 2005

Congratulations on your POTD, Michelle, for this very creative and colorful image!
-Debby #1295811

Randy L. Morgan April 27, 2005

Congratulations on a well decerved POTD! Take Care! Randy #1295861

Randy L. Morgan April 27, 2005

Congratulations on a well deserved POTD! Take Care! Randy
(typo corrected). ;) #1295868

Teresa P.Pelaez April 27, 2005

Congratulations Michelle! #1295936

Karen Engelbreth April 27, 2005

Congrats on your POTD, Michelle :0)! #1296011

Kay Beausoleil April 27, 2005

Congratulations on your colourful POTD, Michelle! #1296090

Dale Ann Cubbage April 27, 2005

Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!
Michelle won the photo of the day!!
Congrats my friend, on this fun and colorful image being chosen of POTD!! I'm so proud of you! Wait till you tell Stephen!! LOL!

da #1296159

David Whitcher April 27, 2005

Congratulations Michelle. Great job! #1296258

Michelle R. Kovach April 27, 2005

Thank you Sanjay, Dan, Susan, Leanne, Darren, Judy, Tammy, Allan, Colette, Scotty, Kathleen, Bill, Wendy, Lisa, Debra, Charlene, Linda, Mark, Diane, Deborah, Randy, Teresa, Karen, Kay, Dale Ann, & David!
I'm in total shock! I don't actually get the photo of the day, but you can believe I will be after this! :) LOL
Thank you all!
Have a great day!
Michelle #1296285

Casey A. Hanson April 27, 2005

Great image, Michelle! Love the colors! Congrats on your POTD! :0) #1296386

Michelle R. Kovach April 27, 2005

Thank you Casey! I appreciate it very much!
Have a great day!
Michelle #1296440

Lisa Clark April 27, 2005

Creative and very well photographed. Congratulations on POTD! #1296555

Elisabeth A. Gay April 27, 2005

Congratulations Michelle!!
Ann #1296568

Michelle R. Kovach April 27, 2005

Thank you Lisa & Ann! I appreciate your comments! It's been a nice surprise!
Have a great day!
Michelle #1296590

April 27, 2005

I love it! The color is great...the photo is beautiful! I love macro photgraphy and you have a beauty here. Congrats on POTD. #1296633

Terry R. Hatfield April 27, 2005

Excellent Colors And Comp Michelle!
Congratulations On Your POTD!! #1296782

Nancy Donnell April 27, 2005

Really a creative photo, Michelle. Congrats on POTD.

Nancy #1296809

Pu Chen April 27, 2005

Great shot, Michelle! Congratulations! #1296834

Shaji Theodore April 27, 2005

Great composition and colors. Good imagination.
Shaji #1296839

Laura Clay-Ballard April 27, 2005

How delightful and colorful! Congrats on potd. #1296873

April 27, 2005

You rock girl! LOL Great photo. Great honor for a great lady. Have a good one!
Patrick #1296885

Michelle R. Kovach April 27, 2005

Thank you Ted, Terry, Nancy, Pu, Shaji, Laura, & Patrick! I am so overwhelmed! I will try to return all of your wonderful comments as soon as I get the chance! Thank you all for taking the time to comment!
Have a great day!
Michelle #1297035

Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 27, 2005

Congratulations on your photo of the day win Michelle, cool and creative work!! #1297150

Stephen Zacker April 27, 2005

Great image and colors. Congratulations #1297592

Michelle R. Kovach April 27, 2005

Thank you Donna & Stephen! I appreciate all your comments! It has been an overwhelming day with all of this but I am very honored!
Have a great day!
Michelle #1298450

Candice C. Calhoun level-deluxe April 28, 2005

So very cool that THIS photo was of my all time favorites of yours!!! Long overdue recognition; congratulations, Michelle. Nice to see you in the spotlight where you belong!!!

ccc #1299869

Kathleen R. Struckle April 28, 2005

Awesome image!! Love all the great colors. Congrats on POTD!! #1300215

Michelle R. Kovach April 28, 2005

Thank you Very much Candice & Kathleen! I appreciate all your wonderful comments!
Have a great day!
Michelle #1300638

Jane Summa April 28, 2005

Hi Michelle! Congratulations! POTD is an honor!! :-) Excellent! #1300782

Michelle R. Kovach April 28, 2005

Thank you very much Jane! I appreciate your comments! It truly is an honor & an overwhelming one at that!
Have a great day!
Michelle #1300891

Stanley J. Contrades May 03, 2005

CONGRATULATIONS on this being chosen as Photo Of The Day, Michelle! Very well done!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1316724

Michelle R. Kovach May 03, 2005

Thank you very much Stan! I appreciate it! Your photo was picked the day after mine.
Hope your mom is doing better!
Have a great day!
Michelle #1317171

Carolyn J. Connolly May 05, 2005

Excellent image, Michelle...and, a REALLY deserving POTD!! Sincere congratulations!! I love the bright colours, the clarity, the pattern formed by the straws, and, the black background - wonderful eye to see this one!! :-) #1322630

Michelle R. Kovach May 05, 2005

Thank you very much Carolyn! I really appreciate your comments! It was definately a surprise! :)
Have a wonderful day!
Michelle #1322816

Amit Sheokand September 21, 2007

beautiful the composition #4821508

Michelle R. Kovach September 21, 2007

Thank you Amit! #4821709

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