Portrait of a Child

© Janet S. Jonas

Portrait of a Child

Uploaded: March 02, 2005


available morning light. 85mm at f3.2 1/80th sec. iso 200


Susana Matos March 02, 2005 0

this is simply OUTSTANDING!!!!This is the kind of photo you can sell, and sell, and sell, ....... absolutely wonderful!
CHeers from Portugal, Su #220548

Olivia Navarro March 02, 2005 0

This is so beautiful! Great job! #1143127

Margot Petrowski March 02, 2005 0

This is a stunning portrait!!! I've seen your others of this gorgeous child and all I can say is WOW!! #1143139

Cynthia M. Wiles level-deluxe March 02, 2005 0

Stunning!!! This is soooo beautiful!
Cindy #1143142

March 02, 2005 0

Gorgeous!! Love this one! What a beautiful child! #1143145

Kara L. Hendricks March 02, 2005 0

Oh Janet.... WOW!!! #1143155

Carla Metzler March 02, 2005 0

There is something mesmerizing about this beautiful portrait. Perhaps the look of seriousness you have captured on this young child's face. Perhaps the brown tones that make those blue eyes so noticeable. I don't really know what it is that keeps drawing me back to look again. But I do know that you have done a marvelous job on this! #1143171

Teresa P.Pelaez March 02, 2005 0

Beautiful portrait! #1143215

Cindy Paquette March 02, 2005 0

Wow! OUTSTANDING Portrait!! You have beautifully captured the intrinsic quality of this child's beauty, her innocence and her soul. Just an incredible portrait Janet! Congrats on this! #1143241

Kathleen Clemons March 02, 2005 0

Just so beautiful, Janet! #1143306

Leanne M.E. Boyd March 02, 2005 0

Beautiful Janet! #1143323

Deb Brown March 02, 2005 0

SO LOVELY! The tones are wonderful and this child is beautiful...you have captured her innocence so very well! #1143344

Roger Bernabo March 02, 2005 0

Tremendous portrait! The softness of lighting, the childs expression all are so perfectly done. One of the veyr best I have ever seen. #1143572

Judy S. Fung March 02, 2005 0

Very beautiful portrait, Janet!!! #1143695

Mary L. Graham March 02, 2005 0

beautiful portrait & beautiful little girl Janet =) #1143725

Marsha S. Smith March 02, 2005 0

This is so beautiful and so is the child. She looks like an angel from a time long ago. Love the vintage dress and the sepia tones, but the best thing about this is that face. #1143758

Mike Brookshire March 02, 2005 0

This is a wonderful portrait

Jayda E. Maher March 03, 2005 0

I am a new member and a photographer in training. This is an amazing portrait and what a absolutely stunning subject Thanks for sharing it with everyone #1143841

Terry R. Hatfield March 03, 2005 0

The Lighting Is Fantastic Janet,It Really Sets Those Prety Eyes And Smooth Skin Off Well:-)Great Job! #1143871

Casey A. Hanson March 03, 2005 0

Wow! This is superb in every way! Wonderful job Janet. I know we'll be seeing this again. Wow again! :0) #1143974

Bobbie Davis March 03, 2005 0

WOW is right!!!! Oh my goodness, this is just absolutely STUNNING! She is just a beautiful litle girl and the colors and the lighting are fantastic! AWESOME job.... #1143998

Keisha Sandusky March 03, 2005 0

This is just breathtaking! Excellent job...wow! :) #1144016

Jim Kinnunen level-classic March 03, 2005 0

Beautiful, Janet!!! #1144169

Christy C. Snodgrass March 03, 2005 0

What an angelic face! Perfect mood lighting. Over all outstanding.

Debra Booth March 03, 2005 0

A truly captivating portrait, Janet! Outstanding! #1144902

Graham Jones March 06, 2005 0

My goodness Janet! Simply one of the best portraits I have ever seen. The quality is simply staggering.....

Well done, really well done.

regards, Graham #1150924

No Info April 21, 2005 0

Congrats on being a finalist, Janet! This is absolutely gorgeous! #1274698

Casey A. Hanson April 21, 2005 0

I'm so glad To see this here! Should be Grand Prize in my opinion! Awesome portrait and congratulations Janet! :0) #1274700

Graham Jones April 21, 2005 0

Deserved recognition Janet. I've sent a link of this picture to photographers I know and they all love it. Good luck on the next round. I suspect the results will be favourable.

regards, Graham #1274919

Joline Frazier April 21, 2005 0

Congratulations. This is a true classic. #1276504

Lynn Crawford April 21, 2005 0

Wow I missed this beautiful portrait, and just saw it today, Congrats on being a finalist, it is definitely a winner :) #1276563

Joannie Bertucci level-classic April 21, 2005 0

Janet, I believe this is the most beautiful child portrait I've ever seen! Your model has an unearthly quality to her spirit that you've captured for all of us to adore!
Congratulations on an amazing portrait! #1277747

Jennifer Jones April 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your placement, Janet. The tones and lighting on this portrait are amazing... well done! #1279357

Debra Booth April 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Janet! #1279779

Casey A. Hanson April 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Janet! I still think it should have been top choice, but hey...LOL Well done and beautiful win! :0) #1280495

Patricia A. Kuniega April 22, 2005 0

Positively breathtaking. Even the thumbnail knocks your socks off! I concur with all before me... this is quite special and is most deserving of top honors! Congratulations Janet! #1280750

Jill Flynn April 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win Janet! This is an absolutely beautiful and stunning portrait! #1280844

Nicole Grimsley April 22, 2005 0

Beautiful child, beautiful portrait! Congrats on Second Place. Well deserved! #1280991

Claudette Foote April 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win Janet! Positively breathtaking for sure.. #1280992

Marsha S. Smith April 22, 2005 0

Congratulations, Janet - This is just so beautiful! #1281447

Nancy Grace Chen April 22, 2005 0

A timeless shot. It's so simple, but the expression, lighting, and beautiful child come together to make an extraordinary portrait. Congratulations.

Nancy #1281642

Judy S. Fung April 22, 2005 0

Congrats on your win, Janet! #1281652

Carla Metzler April 22, 2005 0

Congratulations on your win, Janet! Marvelous job on this mesmerizing and beautiful portrait. #1282096

Monika Sapek April 22, 2005 0

Beautiful portrait, Janet! Many congratulations!

Deb Holmes-Hatfield April 22, 2005 0

Stunning portrait, Janet, congratulations on a much deserved win! #1282178

Terry R. Hatfield April 22, 2005 0

Hi Janet! I Should Be Viewing This As The Grand Prize Winner!Its Just That Good Very Well Done:-) #1282179

Toni Hopper April 22, 2005 0

Wonderful portrait. How did you get the vignetting in the corners? This is just lovely! Congrats! #1282195

Janet S. Jonas April 23, 2005 0

I am so flattered that "Portrait of a Child" has received such wonderful comments. I always hope that others see in an image the same things I do. My little model "Hannah" was just 21/2 years old at the time I shot this. I must say that it was a very simple shot. Usually the most beautiful images are the most simple. I let her choose a dress out of some that I have for photo shoots. She selected this one, much too large for her tiny frame, but she thought it looked just like a princess dress so who was I to argue with her. The fact that she was just 2 1/2 years old meant that her attention span was very limited so our session only lasted about 10 minutes before she lost interest. The lighting was very simple. large ceiling to floor windows on her right. We were very close to them, no direct sunlight just good light. The backdrop was about 7 feet behind her and I used my nikon d1x and an 85mm 1.4 lens. #1282643

Cesar J. La Rosa April 23, 2005 0

You have certainly made her dream come true, Janet. She IS a princess in this beautiful portrait. It reminds me of a William A. Bouguereau painting.
Congratulations on this very well-deserved WINNER!!! #1282734

Leonard Pierce April 24, 2005 0

Congratulations on your Second Place win!!! #1287669

Julie Turner April 25, 2005 0

Janet, I think this photo deserved better than 2nd place, but I do wish you congratulations! It is absolutely stunning! I agree with all the other BP members and their comments especially that this photo just draws you back to it. The lighting and the coloring are perfect, and the little girl is adorable. Congratulations! #1288136

Nancy Donnell April 25, 2005 0

Wow, Congratulations. This knocked me out. Simple and elegant. #1291053

Dolores Neilson April 26, 2005 0

Yep...I agree. Should be the GRAND!!This is phenomenal portraiture!! I'd love to know the technique in getting this coloring. And that child?? Well, I wish she was mine! What an adorable model! Though I already have four (daughters), another this precious would certainly be wonderful ;)!! CONGRATS JANET!! Wish I had taken it! #1292071

Kathleen R. Struckle April 29, 2005 0

Absolutely gorgeous!! Congrats on your win!! #1301707

Peggy Wolff May 04, 2005 0

This is a stunning portrait! Congratulations on a very well deserved win! #1319886

Tina L. Folsom May 05, 2005 0

That is Phenomenal!!!! I love it. She's truly gorgeous. What incredible eyes. #1320235

Kerby Pfrangle May 24, 2005 0

Janet this is very beautiful.

Soft pretty colors and wonderful model.

Kerby #1390645

Niels Sandal March 05, 2006 0

Beautiful portrait! I keep looking at it. #2499524

Ronald F. Fischer May 29, 2006 0

One of the best portaits I have seen! Awesome capture!! #2829043

Kombizz Kashani November 18, 2006 0

beautiful sweet portrait with good lighting, pose
KOMBIZZ (Kambiz Kashani) #3600294

July 27, 2007 0

Beautiful young sweet girl! Great picture. #4567963

Kombizz Kashani July 28, 2007 0

NOT SURE, why I receive this link about your image in my private email.
As I can see here, I RESPONDED to your beautiful sweet capture on
Previous Response:
from Kombizz (Kambiz) K.
on 11/18/2006 3:56:42 AM

So I wonder if ..... #4570161

Helen N. McHugh August 14, 2007 0

The eyes have it! Such a mesmerising capture, Janet!Truly beautiful! #4644583

Janet S. Jonas August 14, 2007 0

Thank you Helen for the nice comment on my image. It is much appreciated. #4646160

Eleanor Lasta June 18, 2010 0

Wow, this image is really compelling! Great job! #8702867

Brenda f. Andrew December 11, 2010 0

what a beauty!! great capture, it's simply wonderful! #9092517

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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