A  Pool

Uploaded: March 01, 2005


Panorama- stitched, used Xero illustration and Cybia color works filters. Encountered some problems with the explorer view of this original image. Made it smaller to see if it is ok. Took the original out of my gallery and hopefully the contest. Will enter this one tomorrow.


Sandra Wehrman March 01, 2005 0

i love the color and wide angle! great job! #220200

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe March 01, 2005 0

Thanks, Sandra. I really appreciate it.
As I said above, the larger panorama I submitted earlier in the day had a black film over part of it in my explorer window, and I did not know if this was happening "everywhere" or not. Thus, I deleted it from my gallery and contest. Thanks also to those of you who commented on the original. I will put this one in tomorrow.
Kathleen #1141514

Dan Holm March 01, 2005 0

Wow! I LOVE your perspective and work on this, Kathleen!! I especially like how the unique shape of the pool leads the eye acrosss the frame! EXCELLENT! #1141557

Judy S. Fung March 01, 2005 0

Wonderful image and terrific work on this, Kathleen! #1141698

cj patterson March 01, 2005 0

gorgeous shot! love the colors and unique perspective kathleen! #1141734

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe March 01, 2005 0

Thanks Dan, Judy and CJ!! What I did was take neighboring sections of a pano...not a complete 360 degree one that I usually shoot...and then stitched those together. That is why it is not a strip. Also, I use a special pano head so my camera is vertically positioned and takes overlapping sections.
Kathleen #1141776

Elisabeth A. Gay March 02, 2005 0

I love this Kathleen!
Ann #1141983

Laurence Saliba level-classic March 02, 2005 0

This is Brilliant Kathleen!!! #1143132

Nobu Nagase March 03, 2005 0

Oh My, beautiful capture of this complex!
Excellent perspective and the details and colors are fantastic!
Another great pano work, KathK!!! #1144024

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe March 05, 2005 0

Thanks Ann, Laurence,and Nobinn!
Kathleen #1148624

Detrick V. Martin March 13, 2005 0

Wonderful image and a wonderful Gallery, Well done! #1169718

Tammy Scott March 14, 2005 0

I don't know how I missed this one, Kathleen!! Wonderfully composed and vibrantly colored shot!!! Fantastic job!!! #1171083

Ellen L. Zaslaw March 16, 2005 0

Fabulous ! Very creative work !! #1176513

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe March 16, 2005 0

Thanks Detrick, Tammy, and Ellen!!!
KK #1177038

Piotr M. Organa March 19, 2005 0

Beautiful and unique style, Kathleen!
Congratulations. #1189313

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe March 19, 2005 0

Thanks, Pitor!!! :-)
Kathleen #1189542

S J March 20, 2005 0

Congratulations on this Outstanding POTD, Kathleen!! #1191998

Charlene Bayerle March 20, 2005 0

Well deserved Kathleen!!! congratulations!!!! #1192016

Ed Heaton March 20, 2005 0

Good morning Kethleen,
Great job and congrats on POTD! I love the colors and perspective :-) #1192268

Diane Addonizio level-classic March 20, 2005 0

Congratulations on POTD. #1192320

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 20, 2005 0

Absolutely awesome Kathleen!! Your panoramas are unique and beautiful. Congratulations on your well deserved potd win!!!! #1192962

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe March 21, 2005 0

Thanks so much Sanjay, Charlene, Ed, Diane, and Donna. If it had not been for Donna's letter telling me this photo got POTD and your comments, I would not have known!! For some reason I did not get this newsletter today as usual. I checked everywhere in my mail--spam, deleted, new, old... you name it. So many thanks to all of you. I am tickled pink. I also wrote bp and asked them to please send me that email. I will cherish it forever!!! Really!!!
Kathleen #1193447

Nobu Nagase March 21, 2005 0

POTD!!! Hi, KathK, this is awesome!!!
Certainly well deserved recognition!!!
Fantastic!!! #1193711

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe March 21, 2005 0

Aw gee. Thanks NobiN!!!
I really appreciate it!!
Kathkk #1193779

Judy S. Fung March 21, 2005 0

Congrats on your POTD, Kathleen!! (I didn't get this announcement either, I had to go to the POTD archive to see which image was selected.) :) #1194080

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe March 21, 2005 0

Thanks very much, Judy! I don't know what happened in cyberspace to that mail either Glad you looked!
Kathleen #1194527

bob cornelison April 06, 2005 0

Love this one!
~:O) #1232189

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BetterPhoto.com Editor's Pick Photography Contest Photo of the Day

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