
© Wanda Judd


Uploaded: December 01, 2004


My husband grinding,early evening,tripod,80-400mm lens


Denys December 01, 2004

Superbe Wanda! Great composition and Colors! Bravo #193138

Wanda Judd level-classic December 01, 2004

Thanks, that makes me feel good and my husband will love to hear that you like this. #948775

Karma Wilson December 01, 2004

Fantastic--this seems like a stock piece.

Karma #948790

Noel Baebler December 01, 2004

Exciting capture, Wanda! #949224

Stanley J. Contrades January 18, 2005

CONGRATULATIONS, Wanda, on your win
and Good Luck in the next round!!
Much Aloha,

Noel Baebler January 18, 2005

I love it! I love it! Congratulaions, Wanda! #1041935

Wanda Judd level-classic January 18, 2005

Karma, Stan and Noel..thanks, I truly appreciate your kind words #1043059

Colette M. Metcalf January 19, 2005

Congrats again to you Wanda!!! #1047452

Kathleen Clemons January 19, 2005

Congrats to you, Wanda! #1047725

Elias Fanous January 19, 2005

Accolades to you! Very Cool!

Elias #1049385

Paul C. Gazzanigo January 20, 2005

Congratulations! #1049676

Alan L. Borror January 20, 2005

Congratulations on this excellent winner, Wanda! You are really doing well in these contests, Great work. #1049697

Colette M. Metcalf January 20, 2005

Congratulations to you Wanda!!! #1050053

Karen Beri January 20, 2005

Congratulations Wanda on this fantastic winner :) #1050176

Patricia A. Kuniega January 20, 2005

Congratulations on your excellent and well deserved win, Wanda! A superb photo!! Hubby should be proud! : ) #1050341

Noel Baebler January 20, 2005

Congratulations, Wanda! #1050722

Donna J. Eaton January 20, 2005

A fantastic image Wanda! Congratulations on your win! #1051860

Stanley J. Contrades January 20, 2005

Just a wonderful win, Wanda, and many CONGRATULATIONS!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #1051878

Wendy Stevenson January 20, 2005

Congratulations on your win Wanda with this superb shot!! Looks like fire works!! #1051893

Jennifer Rennison January 20, 2005

Excellent image, Wanda! Congratulations on your win!! #1052191

Kip T. Berger January 20, 2005

Congratulations Wanda! #1052657

Leonard Pierce January 23, 2005

Congratulations on your Second Place win Wanda!!! #1058917

Wanda Judd level-classic January 24, 2005

Colette,Kathleen,Elias,Paul,Alan,Karen,Pat,Noel,Donna,Stan,Wendy,Jennifer,Kip,and len, Thanks so much, everytime my husband goes out to weld or grind, I get an invitation to take his photo...we are doing a series for his workshop, so he was very pleased indeed with this photo... #1060415

Nancy Grace Chen January 31, 2005

Way cool capture...great job. A late congrats to you on your winner!!

Nancy #1076006

Wanda Judd level-classic February 01, 2005

Nancy, thanks: I am so impressed with your work and after visiting your site I know why...your quote "The Heaven's tell of the glory of God" Ps: 19 1-2,is the perfect reference to what we do and see as photographer's...thanks #1076204

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