Bridal Glow

Uploaded: May 31, 2008


I took this photo of the new Mrs. Sarah Palmones-Soliban in the wharf of Malipano Island, just as we were finishing the shoot and she was making her way back to the shore. The wind gently tossing her hair caught my attention and the way she was holding her bouquet so high. Candid moments like these make for a better capture because she wasn't aware how beautiful and glowing she was at that moment.

Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/1000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 500, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D


Judi Morrissey May 31, 2008 0

lovely capture. #932294

Dr. Harmeet Singh May 31, 2008 0

Gorgeous.. #5999971

Renata Gusciora May 31, 2008 0

This is so beautiful!Gorgeous colors and mood! #6000184

Jennifer L. Alder May 31, 2008 0

I love the setting here! Beautiful bridal portrait :) #6000440

Karen Rahlf May 31, 2008 0

Wow! A beautiful setting for a bride. I love the colors in the sky! #6000969

"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar June 01, 2008 0

wow! awesome location shoot of this beautiful bride and great capture! very well done, Jojie! #6005882

June 05, 2008 0

wow this looks heavenly. The lighting and soft glow is very elegant and her dress is just perfect for this shot. wonderful portrait. #6020436

Jennifer L. Alder June 19, 2008 0

Congrats on this beautiful finalist! #6079564

Bojan Bencic level-classic June 19, 2008 0

Congratulations Jojie. Fantastic photo. #6080549

Renata Gusciora June 20, 2008 0

Amazing beauty,congratulations,Jojie! #6084889

RC Fritz June 21, 2008 0

Congratulations on your Fantastic Finalist!! #6087219

June 22, 2008 0

this is just a fantastic portrait! congratulations #6093315

Tiia Vissak June 26, 2008 0

Congratulations! #6107936

Sharon Sawyer June 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on your amazing POTD !!! #6107948

June 26, 2008 0

Stunning! I love it. #6107951

June 26, 2008 0

Stunning! I love it. #6107952

Denise Denomy June 26, 2008 0


Les Rhoades level-classic June 26, 2008 0

Congrats on your FINALIST and now POTD! #6107958

Avril Young June 26, 2008 0

wow love the scenery ...stunning the bride was pleased with this...outstanding...congrats! #6108115

Helen N. McHugh June 26, 2008 0

Just so beautiful, Jojie! Big congratulations on your wins here at BP! #6108117

William C. Raco level-classic June 26, 2008 0

Beautiful photo, Jojie
Congratulations on the finalist and the POTD #6108261

Josselyne Klecanda June 26, 2008 0

Breath taking,gorgeous. Beautiful composition. Congrats. #6108355

Deborah Lewinson level-addict June 26, 2008 0

Stunning image, Jolie, congratulations on your finalist and POTD!

Debby #6108502

Sharon June 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on your finalist & POTD it is well deserved! This photo is absolutely gorgeous!! Well done :) #6108567

Joyce A. Meck June 26, 2008 0

Now, THAT is a wedding shot! Just gorgeous. Congrats on the POTD, and Finalist. #6108864

Lori Molzan June 26, 2008 0


Congratulations on your POTD and Finalist!

Look at this gorgeous bride, captured what she was feeling and those colors....oh my - they are stunning!!!

Great work,

Lori #6108972

JO ANN CLEVELAND June 26, 2008 0

Fantastic! Very well deserved recognition!

jo ann c. #6109055

Deon June 26, 2008 0

Congratulations on your win of POTD. Absolutely beautiful work. #6109221

Daniella Puente June 26, 2008 0

Wonderful capture ++++ #6109589

Colleen Farrell June 26, 2008 0

Very beautiful!! Congratulations on your finalist and POTD! #6109590

Joy Rector June 26, 2008 0

congrats on the POTD #6109666

Donna R. Wageman June 26, 2008 0

Simply Beautiful!
Congratulations! #6109676

randy dannheim June 26, 2008 0

Jolie, congratulations on this amazing wedding shot. #6109716

Kathy L. Clark June 26, 2008 0

Congratulations Jojie on your lovely finalist and POTD. #6109812

Kathleen R. Struckle June 26, 2008 0

Stunning elegant image.Congrats on your finalist and POTD!! #6109904

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 26, 2008 0

Lovely wedding portrait, a real keepsake!! Congratulations on your potd and finalist Jojie!! #6109913

Manos Peponas June 26, 2008 0

nice bridal shot #6110000

Toni Riggs June 26, 2008 0

Beautiful image, congrats! #6110164

Philippe Vieux-Jeanton June 26, 2008 0

Magic capture.. Big congratulations Jojie!! #6110277

Jojie F. Alcantara June 26, 2008 0

Thank you, everyone. Truly appreciate your kind praises. Am inspired by my friend who is a very beautiful bride. This candid portrait is well worth it because of her. #6110318

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic June 26, 2008 0

Spectacular beauty!
~Lisa #6111082

Tarah Dawdy June 27, 2008 0

Beautiful photo! The bride looks stunning!!! #6111716

Cheryl Meisel June 27, 2008 0

How dreamy and beautiful. What a lovely lady she is too. JUST AWESOME!
BIG CONGRATS on your wins with this wonderful shot.
Cherylm #6111834

Manny L. Librodo June 27, 2008 0

Congrats kapatid. Unstoppable ka na!!!! Yeah!!!! #6112134

Mary K. Robison July 01, 2008 0

Magical image, Jojie!
Congratulations on your well-deserved POTD! #6127585

July 02, 2008 0

Beautiful idea, but the pasting and blending were far to sloppy. Photography is becoming very un photographic these days. #6130231

Jojie F. Alcantara July 02, 2008 0

Thank you for the constructive comment, Ms. Naomi but I didn't paste and blend the image "sloppily". She was shot on location in a beach with a studio light. I enhanced the image according to taste because it was supposed to be a dreamy wedding shot. She wasn't "pasted" on a background. Here are other images:
Again, thank you for the comment. I too am very conscious of pure images, and not just photoshopping for the sake of covering a bad photo. Thank you. #6130396

Amy E. Schneider September 23, 2008 0

Hello Jojie...I think this is a stunning image...very nicely composed and beautifully carried out. Gorgeous portrait...Gorgeous work...your gallery is VERY impressive and you are a terrific photographer....I am saving you in my favorites so that I may hopefully learn from your photographs.
Also, congratulations on all of your wins and deserve every one of them dear.
Take care.
Amy:) #6499311

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic October 11, 2008 0

Wow, this is amazing! I also love your work and gallery....I can't imagine why anyone would not see the natural beauty in this image.....well done! #6582743

Dianna Murphy October 16, 2010 0

Wow Naomi's very rude. I think this is stunning and beautifully executed work. #8974613

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