Swirling Light

Uploaded: November 08, 2004


f/ 3.0, 1/64 sec., EB +1/3, ISO-200, 08:47 PM, Philadelphia, PA. Lamp in a store window. Shot through glass at night.


Michael Allen November 08, 2004

Wow Robert, This is a wonderful B&W abstract.

It reminds me of ribbon candy.

Very nicely done. ..mike ;-] #186560

Duane Carter November 08, 2004

Very interesting image, Robert!!! Well seen and composed. I like the flow of it. #897207

S J November 08, 2004

Outstanding abstract in B&W, Rob! Very nice grphics and lighting! #897236

Lucia De Giovanni November 08, 2004

This is truly wonderful Robert, I love it! #897414

Murry Grigsby November 08, 2004

Nice abstract image Rob! When you're not shooting windows you're shooting through them :0) #897444

Robin L. Wehrman November 08, 2004

WOW! Robert! This is outstanding and great abstract image. Well done on this:-) #897758

Dan Holm November 08, 2004

Absolutely AWESOME abstract, Robert!! #897916

Ellen Peach level-classic November 08, 2004

Excellent abstract, Robert! #898741

Robert Mann level-deluxe November 14, 2004

Thank you very much, Michael, Duane, Sanjay, Lucia, Murry, Robin, Dan and Ellen! I appreciate it! RoB #909738

S J December 15, 2004

Congrats on this terrific finlalist, Rob! #974360

Stanley J. Contrades December 16, 2004

CONGRATULATIONS once again, RoB!! Much good luck with this in the next round!!
Stan #977989

Leonard Pierce December 17, 2004


Patricia A. Kuniega December 17, 2004

Congratulations on this exceptional win, RoB! I hadn't worked my way through all your finalists yet, so the win beat me to it! Wonderful! #982148

Noel Baebler December 17, 2004

I missed this! Congratulations, Rob! I'm m. c. Echerized! #982437

S J December 17, 2004

Congratulations on your win, Rob! #982545

Claudia Kuhn level-classic December 17, 2004

Congratulations Rob! #982679

Debra Booth December 17, 2004

Very cool abstract, Robert! Congratulations! #982912

Robert Mann level-deluxe December 17, 2004

Thanks 2x, Sanjay! And thank you Stan, Len, Pat, Noel, Claudia and Debra! I appreciate it very much! RoB #983015

Stanley J. Contrades December 17, 2004

Bravo! CONGRATULATIONS on your Second Place win, RoB!! Excellent!
Much Aloha,
Stan #983144

Carol Brill December 17, 2004

RoB, congratulations on your winning finish this month for this very cool shot! #983184

Evy Johansen level-classic December 17, 2004

Well deserved, RoB! Congratulatios on your win! #983264

Karen Engelbreth December 18, 2004

Congratulations on your win, RoB! #983436

Mary K. Robison December 18, 2004

Way to go, RoB!
CONGRATULATIONS on your win! #983490

Robert Mann level-deluxe December 18, 2004

Aloha, Stan and thank you! Thanks Carol and Mary! Tak, Evy and Karen! I appreciate it very much! RoB #983571

Kelly Abernathy level-classic December 18, 2004

Congratulations on your win!! -K #983674

Cathy Barrows December 18, 2004

Congrats! A real winner #983780

Donna W. Neal December 18, 2004

Congratulations on this well deserved Winner RoB #984249

Donna J. Eaton December 18, 2004

Beautiful and creative win RoB! A big congratulations to you! #985392

Leonard Pierce December 18, 2004

CONGRATULATIONS on your very well deserved Second Place win, Rob!!!! #985624

Gerda Grice level-classic December 19, 2004

RoB, I missed this one on its first round here, but I'm delighted to see it now as a winner! It's a most deserving one! Big congratulations!! #985849

Kristi A. Howson December 19, 2004

Congratulations RoB...you sure are the "Mann" with the lines :) #986921

Robert Mann level-deluxe December 19, 2004

Thanks K., Cathy, Donna N., Donna E., Len, Gerda and Kristi! I appreciate it very much! RoB

Murry Grigsby December 20, 2004

Congrats on your win Rob! Wonderful pattern and image!! #988815

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

Copyright for this photo belongs solely to Robert Mann.
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