Bosc Pears
Uploaded: February 13, 2008
Having fun with Corel Painter.
aaaaa bbbbb February 13, 2008 0
Nicely done. Great effect and lighting.I have been thinking about getting Corel Painter Essentionals 4. Is this what you have? #854171
Debra K. Thomas February 13, 2008 0
wonderful image! #5490395Melissa McCabe February 13, 2008 0
Classic!! Wonderfully done, well-lit, nice comp, great effects : ) -mm #5490406
Marisol Pastor
February 13, 2008
Tiia Vissak February 13, 2008 0
great tones & composition! #5490500Joan Kocak February 13, 2008 0
a favorite for me, excellent Debra~ #5490505Debra R. Harder February 13, 2008 0
Thanks everyone! Vicki...I used Corel Painter X. I'm currently taking a class with Jim Zuckerman and our first assignment was pastel painting. This is an example of that paricular assignment. It's a lot of fun! Deb #5490654Debra R. Harder February 13, 2008 0
I meant to say "particular"...not paricular. I should really proof read what I type...ugh! Sorry...Deb #5490694
Patrick Rouzes
February 13, 2008
Eva Pastor February 13, 2008 0
I think I've seen this still life in a an art museum! Great job! #5490779Cyn Valentine February 13, 2008 0
Beautiful Debra..stunning work!! #5490867Bill Knaps February 14, 2008 0
Great work Debra. Bill #5491400Susan Fox February 15, 2008 0
Whatever you are doing, keep doing it. This is great Deb! It has a lovely classical feel to it. Great lighting, comp. and painted effects. #5496295Renee Doyle February 15, 2008 0
Very very very nicely done Deb!!! #5496312Jennifer L. Alder February 19, 2008 0
I love how ya "just play" !!!!Susan M. Campbell February 21, 2008 0
Great lighting and tones. Play came out nice. #5523650Hurk (Steve) Hurkett February 26, 2008 0
Very nice still life, Deb ... nice light, shadows and painterly effects ... #5557235
Lisa J. Boulden
March 22, 2008
Susan Fox March 22, 2008 0
Congratulations Deb!!!!! #5679624Colette M. Metcalf March 23, 2008 0
Congratulations!!!! #5679853Susan M. Campbell March 23, 2008 0
Congrats on getting finalist Debra...a terrific shot. #5682814Alex T. Mizuno March 23, 2008 0
Congratulations Deb!! This is another masterpiece!! #5684847Jessica Jenney March 24, 2008 0
Congratulations, Debra on your gorgeous finalist! #5687637Cyn Valentine March 24, 2008 0
Congratulations Debra!! #5688028Lois Adomite March 24, 2008 0
Beautiful, congratulations. Lois #5688629Marina Moore March 24, 2008 0
Congratulations Debra!!!! Splendid image!!! :) #5689340Tarun Bose March 24, 2008 0
Big congrats Debra for your excellent finalist. #5689530Melissa McCabe March 24, 2008 0
Congrats on this finalist too!! : ) #5690090
Patrick Rouzes
March 25, 2008
"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar March 25, 2008 0
wo-hoo!!excellent winner!!! congrats my friend!! #5691616Susan Fox March 25, 2008 0
Way to go Deb!!!!!!!!! A big congrats on your win!!!!!! #5692028Renee Doyle March 25, 2008 0
Glad to see this one again!!! Big congrats on this wonderful winner Deb - WTG!!! #5692031Alex T. Mizuno March 25, 2008 0
Congratulations Deb! I knew this would win! #5692451
Cindy Bendush
March 25, 2008
Elida Gutierrez
March 25, 2008
A Special Star
For all the Winners.
Evy Johansen
March 25, 2008
Tiia Vissak March 25, 2008 0
congratulations on your winner! #5693205Linda Blair March 25, 2008 0
Congratulations on your beautiful win!!!! ☺ #5694800Debra R. Harder March 25, 2008 0
Thank you everyone for all your wonderful congratulations!! Can't express in words how much I appreciate them!! Thank you, thank you, thank you..... #5694975
Jeff Robinson
March 25, 2008
Tarun Bose March 25, 2008 0
Big congrats for your second prize winner, Debra. #5695882Joan Kocak March 25, 2008 0
so beautiful Debra! these colors and light are amazing, CONGRATS to you! (How's Petey?) #5696556
Marisol Pastor
March 25, 2008
Debra R. Harder March 26, 2008 0
Thank you, Jeff, Tarun, Joan and Marisol! Really appreciate all your congratulations! Deb #5697767Debra R. Harder March 26, 2008 0
Oh...yes...I forgot, Joan. Petey is doing just great. He's taking a break from his exhausting Hollywood schedule. Thanks for asking! Deb #5698230Lois Adomite March 26, 2008 0
Congratulations, beautiful. Lois #5698346
Rene M. Hales
March 26, 2008
Mike D. Perez
March 27, 2008
Melissa McCabe March 27, 2008 0
Way to go Deb, congrats!! You totally earned this one, it's so classy : ) -mm #5703030Jennifer L. Alder March 27, 2008 0
Deb-- you ROCK! LOVE this one... huge congrats on a well deserved winner my dear. I am VERY happy for you. :) #5703541
Dominick M. Dimacale
March 27, 2008
Dominick #5705044
Debra R. Harder March 27, 2008 0
Thanks Lois, Rene, Mike, Melissa, Jen (hi Jen!!!) and Dominick for your congrats!!! Deb #5705703Colette M. Metcalf March 27, 2008 0
Congratulations on your win, Debra!!!! #5706648Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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