Light-and-Shadow Pattern
Uploaded: February 02, 2008
sunset, parking garage, West Sacramento, CA; 80-200mm zoom set at 170mm; f22; 1/60th sec; ISO 200; tripod
Exif: F Number: 22, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/60 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 200, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 170.00 mm, Model: NIKON D3
Kerry Drager February 03, 2008 0
Hi Rob,Deb Cloer April 28, 2010 0
Hi Kerry,There are so many of your photos I Love, but this is one of my favorites. I love the simplistic pattern, the contrast of colors is amazing! Do you mind me asking how you got the orangish color? Did you use a color filter or post processing? I'm one of your students so you know I'm still trying to figure it all out.
Much Thanks,
~ Deb :) #8575451
Kerry Drager April 28, 2010 0
Hi Deb,Good question. It's all about the light. The sky was very clear, and the sun was very low in the sky ... just minutes from sunset. That means warm and beautiful light. At midday, or even mid afternoon, I never would have taken another glance at this parking structure.
The bold warm tones caught my attention first, and then the pattern. It was a weekend, lots of parking (this being a business/industrial area), and I was able to set up my tripod quickly and zoom in with my telephoto. Emphasis on "quickly" since the great light didn't last long before the sun dropped below the horizon.
I always shoot in Raw, so there's always post-processing, but just minimal since the light was right, the colors were great, and aided by a tripod, I got the composition just the way I wanted it (in the viewfinder).
Thanks again, Deb, and "see" you in class!!
Kerry #8575701
Deb Cloer April 29, 2010 0
Hi Kerry,Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly! Wow! You did an amazing job at capturing such a great shot under those hurried conditions. I am learning how to whip out that tripod in crowded, hurried enviornments, and sometimes it feels a bit stressful. I haven't started shooting in raw yet, since I'm still not set up with PS, but I'll get there eventually. Thanks so much for the insight on your capture! Much appreciated.
~ Deb :)
Kerry Drager April 29, 2010 0
Hi Deb,Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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