Growing Spooky - POTD
Uploaded: October 03, 2004
Eric Bancroft October 03, 2004 0
Stunning! #174907
Carolyn M. Fletcher
October 03, 2004
Michael Allen October 03, 2004 0
Wonderful eerie creation, Patricia.I love the effect and this works well on the vertical.
I bet these pies would be great! lol
Nicely done
S J October 03, 2004 0
Wonderful image and effects, Patricia!'s time for Halloween... lol. #818907Allan L. Whitehead October 03, 2004 0
Marvelous 'capture', presentation, and photograph, Patricia, I love the composition, the coloring, and the 'spooky' effrects. Very well done, my dear friend - your good friend, Allan #818913Cathy Gregor October 03, 2004 0
Very cool shot, Patricia! Looks like something an alien would grow.Karen Bacon October 03, 2004 0
Terrific shot Pat!I want to know where I can buy these!!lol! #819083Dorothy Neumann October 03, 2004 0
Ooooh, this is neat! Really got my attention! #819143Leanne M.E. Boyd October 03, 2004 0
Cool shot! #819286
Brenda W. LaFleur
October 03, 2004
Cynthia M. Wiles
October 03, 2004
Gloria B. Wood October 03, 2004 0
Great effects...very interesting...well done! #819392
Kathleen K. Parker
October 03, 2004
Donna J. Taff October 03, 2004 0
Great image, Patricia!!!!! #819522Shirley L. Carpenter October 03, 2004 0
Excellent image Patricia!! Love it!! #819704Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 03, 2004 0
Spooktacular image. The effects are awesome. #819913Joy Brown October 03, 2004 0
Awesome shot and effects, Pat! #820023Leanne M.E. Boyd October 31, 2004 0
Cool image, Pat! Congrats on your POTD! #880116Kathleen N. Nelson October 31, 2004 0
Congratulations on your POTD, Pat. Very neat image; very creative! #880165Penny Steiner October 31, 2004 0
That made me smile, Pat to open my email and see you make POTD with this wonderfully effective pumpkin photo. I hope it makes your day. Happy Halloween! #880185Allan L. Whitehead October 31, 2004 0
Patricia, congratulations on this terrific "POTD" selection. It is very well deserved and I'm very proud of this for you. Well done - your friend, Allan #880186Diane Dupuis October 31, 2004 0
Pat - congrats! What a fantastic shot - and a nice treat to see it chosen this morning at POTD!!!Wally Orlowsky October 31, 2004 0
Awesome Halloween effect, Patricia. Congratulations on POTD! #880198Kathleen Clemons October 31, 2004 0
This is wild, Pat. Congrats! #880303Terri L. Scribner October 31, 2004 0
Nice job, Patricia! Congratulations on POTD! #880304Ed Heaton October 31, 2004 0
Great effects for a fitting image!Well done,
Congrats on POTD! #880320
William C. Raco
October 31, 2004
bill #880350
Barbara Kehoe October 31, 2004 0
Pat, wonderful! I love the design and effects on this picture. #880380Terry R. Hatfield October 31, 2004 0
Congratulations Pat on Your POTD,Nice Job:-) #880406Patricia A. Kuniega October 31, 2004 0
Thanks everyone for such great comments! I'm tickled orange (?!) this morning to wake up on one of my favorite holidays and have a potd! It really made my day! #880424Wendy Stevenson October 31, 2004 0
Such a fitting win on this fun day!!! Congratulations Pat!! #880466
Claudia Kuhn
October 31, 2004
Deborah Lewinson
October 31, 2004
Happy Halloween! #880522
Beverley Lu Steeves October 31, 2004 0
This is a great image! Congrats on POTD, Patricia!! #880523Tammy McAllister October 31, 2004 0
Congrats on POTD - perfect choice for the perfectly spookly image Pat! #880576
Robert Mann
October 31, 2004
Charlene Bayerle October 31, 2004 0
Big Congratulations Pat.....well deserved!!!!! #880679Janet Detota October 31, 2004 0
Hey, that's what color my hair is today! :-) Happy Howlaween, everyone! Congratulations, Pat!! #880837
Evy Johansen
October 31, 2004
Wendy M. Amdahl
October 31, 2004
Carol Brill October 31, 2004 0
The perfect choice for All Hallows Eve, Pat, congratulations on your POTD for this amazing shot! I really like your selection of blues here, they add a nice eerie mood and really complement those pumpkin tones! #881112Judy A. Lawhon October 31, 2004 0
Hi Pat.....Such an unusual Halloween creative....great job!! #881214Kathleen R. Struckle November 01, 2004 0
Awesome photo!! Congrats on POTD!! #881916Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 01, 2004 0
Congratulations on your photo of the day win. Very cool!!! #883664Dan Holm November 01, 2004 0
Outstanding image, Patricia!! ... Excellent work! Congratulations on your well deserved POTD!! #883683Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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