Step By Step

© S P Mukherji

Step By Step

Uploaded: June 21, 2007


Carla Metzler June 21, 2007 0

I really like this, SP!! #677710

Keith L. Clayton June 23, 2007 0

Colors and conposition are superb! #4425869

Louise Kumpf July 08, 2007 0

Fantastic & stunning shot! Very much like a surrealist painting. #4483509

Jill Odice level-classic July 20, 2007 0

I love stairs, and this is particularly interesting !!! Nice work as always SP! #4531639

Su Sana E. P level-classic September 20, 2007 0

SP, Congratulations on this outstanding POTD Win!!


Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 20, 2007 0

Big congrats on your potd SP, cool design! #4814519

Darryl Wilkinson September 20, 2007 0

Awesome POTD, SP! Congratulations!! #4814523

Saji Antony September 20, 2007 0

Great composition SP. I love the shot, BTW which place your shots are taken from. #4814639

Avril Young September 20, 2007 0

wow how creative is it! #4814734

Helen N. McHugh September 20, 2007 0

Great POTD, SP ! Congratulations! #4814819

September 20, 2007 0

Heartiest congratulations! Excellent composition,exposure and colours. When Science and Fine Arts mingle, such excellent images result. #4814936

Joy Rector September 20, 2007 0

congrats on the POTD #4815107

Cindy K. Bracken September 20, 2007 0

Congratulations on the POTD, SP! I love the color on this one. Beautiful!
Cindy Bracken #4815153

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 20, 2007 0

Congrat on POTD!
Beautiful colors and designs. the addition of the people walking adds so much to this image.

Great presentation!

jo ann c. #4815195

Josselyne Klecanda September 20, 2007 0

Now, that's a great composition! #4815209

Anna Diederich September 20, 2007 0

Congrats on your awesome POTD! #4815269

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic September 20, 2007 0

Fabulous all around!
Really an interesting image.
Well done, SP!
--Lisa #4815342

September 20, 2007 0

Fabulous job! This is wonderful! I love the bright colors - red and blue - and I really love that the birds are in the photo! Wonderful capture! #4815566

Jim Britt September 20, 2007 0

Great Shot. Especially with the birds in the background. Great timing. Congrats on POTD. #4815715

Chuck Bruton level-classic September 20, 2007 0

Congratulations! Great composition, tones, lines and timing. #4815732

September 20, 2007 0

Congrats on your win. Your style is very appealing. #4815983

Sandy Driscoll level-classic September 20, 2007 0

Everything about this is splendid! Beautiful shot! #4816304

RC Fritz September 20, 2007 0

Congratulations on your POTD, SP!! #4816469

Cheryl Meisel September 20, 2007 0

What a super shot, I love it! LOL I don't know why but it makes me smile. Good thinking here and it all works!
Big CONGRATS on your wins with this!
Cherylm #4816533

Colleen Farrell September 20, 2007 0

Terrific capture! Congrats on your POTD! #4816567

Vikram Jamwal September 20, 2007 0

Very nicely composed shot SP!!! Congrats on POTD! #4816624

Mary Clarke September 20, 2007 0

Congratulations on POTD, great image #4817336

Susan M. Hembree September 20, 2007 0

What a great photo, SP! Love the framing, colors and the stop action! It all fits together so very nicely. Congratulations on this well deserved POTD! #4817624

Barbara Mason September 20, 2007 0

Wonderful composition SP - congratulations !!! #4817718

Patricia Ronan September 20, 2007 0

Beautiful image, congrats on your POTD:) #4817819

Pradeep K. Kaushik September 21, 2007 0

Congratulations on POTD, SP!! Excellent Shot. #4819149

Milan Banik September 21, 2007 0

Congratulations SP ,valu laglu anekdin pare chabita dekhe. #4819209

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe September 21, 2007 0

Congrats on this Outstanding POTD!! Jeff #4819610

January 25, 2008 0

You have an amazing gallery. So impressive! You are an inspiration. #5391523

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