sweep and step
Uploaded: June 10, 2007
D80 focal length 200mm f/2.8 1/1000 Iso 200
Exif: Exposure Time: 1/1000, Flash: 0, ISO: 200, Camera Model: NIKON D80
William Moore June 10, 2007 0
one of the best action shots of a fireman I have ever seen...gorgeous hues and details #671327Paul Goodman June 10, 2007 0
Thanks William! #4384067Dan E. June 11, 2007 0
Nicely done Paul #4384467Paul Goodman June 11, 2007 0
Thanks Dan! #4384901I'm sweating just looking at that picture. I just hope it wasn't your house that was on fire.
Is this a picture of a forest fire? Are you a fireman or just happened to be on scene?
Kirk #4386621
Paul Goodman June 11, 2007 0
Kirk, the picture was a Photo shoot that I took at a training burn held at the Airport firefighter training center in Lexington, KY. the set up is a mock plane fire and students have to extinguish the fire. I am a firefighter which allows me to get some great Fire scenes as well as training shots. being a firefighter does have its advantages in getting close to the scene and training.Sharon King June 13, 2007 0
Fantastic capture Paul! #4393118
paul parent
June 16, 2007
Jan Eklof June 17, 2007 0
Saw this on EFP. Great shot #4406029Paul Goodman June 17, 2007 0
Thanks Paul & Jan. #4406267Lynn Haack June 22, 2007 0
AMAZING image...Lynn #4424229Paul Goodman June 23, 2007 0
thanks lynn #4426171
Robert K. Bemus
July 18, 2007
Vikram Jamwal July 18, 2007 0
Congrats on POTD Paul, a very striking image indeed this one! #4520877Erika L. Ward July 18, 2007 0
A wonderful and amazing photo. #4520902Margaret R. Barry July 18, 2007 0
Congrats on POTD! #4521008Joy Rector July 18, 2007 0
congrats on the POTD #4521012
Sharon F. Morris
July 18, 2007
Susan Candelario
July 18, 2007
Datha Y. Thompson July 18, 2007 0
Amazing shot Paul!! CONGRATULATIONS on your POTD :0) #4522667RC Fritz July 18, 2007 0
WOW. Fantastic image. Congratulations, Paul!! #4522731Paul Goodman July 18, 2007 0
Thanks so much you guys. This was such a nice surprise. and No my glass is fine and not melted. thanks again for the wonderful comments. #4523097John R. Sanchez July 18, 2007 0
Now that's a Photo!Awesome! #4523203
Mary Clarke July 18, 2007 0
Congratulations on POTD Paul, great image #4523556Nancy Donnell July 18, 2007 0
congratulations Paul! An image like that is so impressive. Nothing I could ever witness. (Hopefully, since I am not a firefighter.) I had a technical question. Did you apply a lot of blur to the water from the hose, and have to do much work in PS after the taking the shot? And thank you for being a firefighter. I can't imagine what that must be like. #4523852Patricia Ronan July 18, 2007 0
Great image! Congrats on your POTD:) #4523985Paul Goodman July 19, 2007 0
Thanks you guys for you wonderful comments.Nancy, as unbelievable as it may sound all my Photos are natural. I don't even own PS. all I use to process my raw pics is Nikon software picture project. #4524588
Vanessa Rabayda July 19, 2007 0
what an impressive image! Awesome! Congrats on your POTD! #4527430Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 20, 2007 0
Impressive and HOT image, congrats on your potd~!! #4529230Paul Goodman July 23, 2007 0
Thanks Vanessa and Donna for you wonderful Comments. #4544869Nancy Donnell August 02, 2007 0
Wow! No PS! I hope you print and frame this. It is amazing! Dramatic, beautiful color, and great leading lines! #4592496Paul Goodman August 03, 2007 0
Thanks Nancy, I have not printed it yet but it is in my plans too. thanks for your wonderful comments. #4597274Amit Sheokand December 09, 2007 0
this is an amazing image...... whole of ur gallery is amazing...keep up the good work #5186676Paul Goodman December 09, 2007 0
Thanks Amit, and thanks for checking out my gallery. #5186847Veronica S. McGinnity December 16, 2007 0
Amazing shot Paul! I love your gallery. #5213548Paul Goodman December 16, 2007 0
Thank you Veronica, glad you enjoyed my gallery, fell free to check out my other site as well. #5213659Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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