growing up
Uploaded: December 07, 2006
Wende Trew December 07, 2006 0
She really is growing up sooo fast!!! She is beautiful Cj!!! And I LOVE her outfit!!! Great background also!! #568552Paul Michko December 07, 2006 0
She's becoming quite the young lady, CJ. Great portrait capture. #3676833cj patterson December 07, 2006 0
tx wende and paul! #3677111Chastity Abbott December 07, 2006 0
Cj, she is gorgeous! :o) Beautiful light and color tones!!!! You have two beautiful gorgeous models and they know how to work the camera!!!!! LOVE this!!!!!!!!!!!! #3677763
Janine Russell
December 07, 2006
Ginger S. Patterson December 08, 2006 0
What a little darlin! love this one! great comp sister! #3679229cj patterson December 08, 2006 0
thanks chastity appreciate your kindness as always!thanks janine and ginger! #3679338
Candy Avera January 24, 2007 0
Congratulations CJ! #3861720cj patterson January 25, 2007 0
thank you trula and candy! #3862067
Janine Russell
January 25, 2007
Megan p January 25, 2007 0
She is growing up to be such a beautiful young lady! I love this CJ! Congratulations! #3863227Wende Trew January 25, 2007 0
Big Congrats Cj!!! Great image!! #3863661Chastity Abbott January 25, 2007 0
HUGE congrats to her and you!!!! She is a gorgeous girl and her portraits deserve the winner stamp!!!! Congrats on such a beautiful beautiful image!!!!!!!! :o) She's such an angel! #3864394Kenneth Mucke January 25, 2007 0
WTG...Wonderful finalist #3864578cj patterson January 25, 2007 0
tx janine, megan, wende, chas and kenneth...of course mommy thinks she's beautiful!! :) but growing up right before my eyes!!! #3864636
Petra Roth January 25, 2007 0
Big congrats CJ on your finalist! Your daughter is very beautiful and you manage to capture her beauty so well! #3865324Elizabeth Beaudoin January 25, 2007 0
Congratulations CJ! #3866720cj patterson January 25, 2007 0
thank you petra! so sweet of you to say!! and thanks elizabeth! #3867684
John V. Roscich
January 25, 2007
cj patterson January 25, 2007 0
tx john! #3871251
Sherry Stricklin Boles
January 27, 2007
cj patterson January 27, 2007 0
tx sherry~ #3878125Cassie L. Woodlee January 28, 2007 0
Congratulations CJ!!! #3882106cj patterson January 28, 2007 0
tx cassie! #3883461Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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