
Uploaded: September 10, 2006


September 10, 2006

Suuuupeeeer ! congratulationes !

Ron Jones September 10, 2006

Thank you Rusu.
Isn't it amazing that you can shoot an image these days, upload it, and have it viewed a few minutes later by someone halfway around the world!?
Ron #3290372

Wende Trew September 10, 2006

This is totally AWESOME!!!! Fantastic image Ron!!! #3290465

Ronald Balthazor September 10, 2006

Wonderful composition, Ron. It's amazing how much he looks like my dad. #3290609

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe September 10, 2006

Great job Ron!! Jeff #3290691

Laura S. Brophy September 10, 2006

Amazing. wow. #3290929

Ron Jones September 10, 2006

Thank you all very much.
Ron #3291532

Kenneth Mucke September 10, 2006

Superb work on this image Ron...your gallery is really very special #3292895

Penny Haviland September 10, 2006

Ron, I've just found this image and it was so good that I had to see what else you have done. All I can say is "WOW!" #3292919

Tamera S. Phillips September 10, 2006

Amazing shot. Love that full moon and contrasting colors. #3293110

Ron Jones September 11, 2006

Thanks Ken, Penny, and Tammy.
This shot means a lot to me since my Dad has been sick lately.
Ron #3293970

Dan E. September 11, 2006

Awesome image #3294087

Ron Jones September 11, 2006

Thanks, Dan.
Ron #3296428

Donna W. Neal October 27, 2006

WOW, Congratulations on another well deserved finalist Ron. #3508191

Ron Jones October 27, 2006

Thank you Donna. You know how I value your comments.
Ron #3509656

Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 27, 2006

Outstanding work!! This is one of my favorite finalists!! Best of luck
Ron!! Congratulations!!! #3511200

Geraldine E. Lefoe October 28, 2006

Great capture Ron - well worthy of a finalist and more! #3512852

Ron Jones October 28, 2006

Thank you, Donna and Geraldine.
Ron #3512967

Donna J. Eaton October 28, 2006

Wonderful image! Perfect in every way! #3512988

Deborah Sandidge October 28, 2006

Congratulations on your finalists, Ron - exceptional work! #3513578

She-She Killough October 28, 2006

No Surprise here!! Congrats Ron!! It is Awesome! #3515312

Ron Jones October 28, 2006

Thanks, Donna, Deb, and She-She.
This is a composite of my Dad, the moon and the hillside.
It was fun to make.
Ron #3516015

Mary K. Robison November 05, 2006

Congratulations on your outstanding POTD, Ron! #3546997

Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 05, 2006

Outstanding potd and image, a BIG congratulations Ron!!! #3547034

Karen Engelbreth November 05, 2006

Wonderful image - big congrats on your POTD, Ron! #3547045

William88 November 05, 2006

Amazing!! congratulations on your POTD!! #3547071

Joy Rector November 05, 2006

congrats on the POTD #3547289

November 05, 2006

Great image Ron !
Congratulations on your POTD! #3547307

Terri L. Scribner November 05, 2006

Congratulations on this great POTD! Belated congrats on finalist! #3547341

Josselyne Klecanda November 05, 2006

All I can say is WOW! Fantastic.
Jo #3547563

Linda D. Lester level-classic November 05, 2006

WOW!!! again! Congratulations! #3547601

Janet Kinney November 05, 2006

Congratulations on the great work! No surprise to see you this morning with the POTD! #3547669

JO ANN CLEVELAND November 05, 2006

Fantastic! Great pov!
joann c. #3547670

DiAnna F. Paulk November 05, 2006

I was so happy to see "POTD by Ron Jones" as the email header and then thrilled to open the email and see this stunning image! Congratulations, Ron!! #3547692

Sherry Karr Adkins level-deluxe November 05, 2006

Congratulations on your POTD. Great image! #3547775

Ron Jones November 05, 2006

Thank you all so very much!

Ron #3547846

RC Fritz November 05, 2006

Congrats on your P_O_T_D! #3547889

Lynne Morris November 05, 2006

Fabulous image Ron and congratulations on your POTD! #3548094

Megan p November 05, 2006

WOW, Amazing POTD!!!!! Congratulations!!! #3548116

Judyann Plante November 05, 2006

Fantastic shot, Ron! Congratulations on POTD!!!

Judyann ><> #3548150

Cesar J. La Rosa November 05, 2006

Congratulations on this BEAUTIFUL and well-deserved Finalist and POTD, Ron!!! Excellent work!!! A wonderful tribute to your father.

Boyet C. Asehan November 05, 2006

Very Nice! What lens did you use? #3548180

Ron Jones November 05, 2006

Thanks, Lynne, Megan, RC, Judyann, Cesar and Boyet. This is a composite of three images, the moon, the hill, and my Dad which was combined in PS. I darkened the hill and added the color to the sky.
Ron #3548188

Leonard Pierce November 05, 2006

Fantastic image Ron!! Congratulations on a very well deserved Finalist and POTD! #3548207

Lindley Johnson level-classic November 05, 2006

Quite beautiful, Ron! Great PS work. Congratulations on your finalist and POTD! #3548330

Susi Lawson November 05, 2006

superb! Looks like a winner from here! #3548385

Jenny D November 05, 2006

Beautiful! Congrats on POTD! #3548789

Milan Banik November 05, 2006

wonderful composition ,congrates #3548833

Deborah Sandidge November 05, 2006

This is such a a creative composite, congratulations on earning POTD, Ron! #3548971

Janine Russell level-classic November 05, 2006

Ron, congratulations on your finalist and POTD. #3549250

Geraldine E. Lefoe November 05, 2006

Congrats on your POTD Ron - well done #3549782

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe November 05, 2006

Striking image, Ron. Congratulations on your POTD!!
kk #3550304

Maricris Macabeo November 06, 2006

Astonishing! Astounding! Amazing! Simply Awesome! #3554118

Mary Clarke November 07, 2006

Congratulations on this wonderful POTD. [Means a bit more to me 'cos 5 Nov is my Dad's birthday!] #3555721

Corinne M. Thompson November 12, 2006

Congrats on your Finalist and POTD...wonderful image! #3578175

Sarah J. Milburn November 22, 2006

Congratulations on the POTD - how did you get that shot?! I can never ever get a great moon shot, and this is superb - it's so HUGE!!! #3617400

Ron Jones November 22, 2006

Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate your nice comments.
Sarah, This is a composite.
The moon is not difficult to shoot. You need a long lens (I used a 350mm) and a sturdy tripod. If you're using film you can use the sunny 16 rule. If you're shooting digital just start somewhere and go up and down (you're not waisting film.)
Ron #3617553

Norman P. Banks November 24, 2006

Ah huh, as usual... still making these fantastic images! (smile)

Great work Ron!

Norm #3625045

JO ANN CLEVELAND November 24, 2006

Congratulations, I love it!
jo ann c. #3627196

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic April 01, 2007

Just visiting your AMAZING gallery and came across this wonderful image. Absolutely love it! --Lisa #4118486

November 08, 2007

Incredible Ron! How did you do it if you don't mind me asking?
Scott #5044665

Ron Jones November 08, 2007

It's a composite of three images, each on their own layer. The foreground, the figure and the moon. #5044783

May 16, 2008

Emotion packed picture.
I think it hold significance for a lot of us.
Beautifully shot. #5933317

June 29, 2008

this is very neat.....good job and congrats.... #6120253

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