Wild Horses

© Ron Jones

Wild Horses

Uploaded: August 28, 2006


Dave Hubbs August 28, 2006 0

wow...fantastic shot....really like it!! #511446

Dot K. August 28, 2006 0

Beautiful Capture! #3229789

Janine Russell level-classic August 28, 2006 0

Ron, great capture; excellent tones, lighting and DOF. #3230006

Siete Meeter August 28, 2006 0

Beautiful Capture!


Mary Timman August 28, 2006 0

Spectacular image. #3232659

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist. Good luck in the next round. #3366428

Ron Jones September 27, 2006 0

Thanks, everyone!
Ron #3368950

Alana Ibe September 27, 2006 0

Awesome work!!!! Congratulations!!! #3372952

Kerby Pfrangle September 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on your first place winner. Reminds me of a beautiful painting. Lovely. Kerby #3382857

Janine Russell level-classic September 29, 2006 0

Ron, congratulations on your First Place win. #3382967

Leanne M.E. Boyd September 29, 2006 0

Beautiful image, Ron - congratulations on your win! #3383417

Rakesh Syal level-classic September 29, 2006 0

Congratulations, Ron...a STUNNING WINNER!!! #3383880

Jessica Jenney September 29, 2006 0

Congratulations again, Ron! First Place win! Bravo!!! #3384238

Donna W. Neal September 29, 2006 0

I am so glad to see the judges are finally acknowledging your awesome work Ron! Congratulations! #3384484

Michael Garth September 29, 2006 0

Ron ~

Congratulations on your win. This is a fantastic image!

mike #3384713

Debbie Del Tejo September 29, 2006 0

This should have 500 responses of praise! WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and congratulations! #3384727

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 29, 2006 0

Ron, Congratulations on your beautiful 1st place winner. #3384924

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic September 29, 2006 0

Beautiful...Congrats!! #3384946

Mary Timman September 29, 2006 0

Grand image. Congratulations! Very well deserved. #3385019

She-She Killough September 29, 2006 0

Wonderful Ron! Congrats on this awesome winner! #3385539

Wendy Stevenson September 29, 2006 0

WTG Ron this is such a beautiful image - I love the colour and motion!! Congratulations on your FIRST PLACE WIN!!! #3385540

Alana Ibe September 29, 2006 0

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Such a wonderful composition!!!! Well deserved!!! #3385877

Terry L. Ellis level-classic September 29, 2006 0

Ron, congratulations on this superb First Place win! #3386239

RC Fritz September 29, 2006 0

Ron, Congratulstions on your First Place Win!! #3386301

Ron Jones September 29, 2006 0

Thank you all ao VERY much.
Ron #3387177

Penny Haviland September 29, 2006 0

Congratulations Ron! Very nice! #3387252

Mary Clarke September 29, 2006 0

Congratulations Ron, great image #3387706

Ron Jones September 30, 2006 0

Thanks, Mary and Penny,
Ron #3387779

Kay Beausoleil September 30, 2006 0

Congratulations on your First Place win, Ron! #3387928

Darryl Wilkinson September 30, 2006 0

Beautiful winner, Ron! Congratulations! #3388098

Deborah Sandidge September 30, 2006 0

This is stunning, congratulations Ron! #3388379

Sherry Stricklin Boles level-classic September 30, 2006 0

A very beautiful capture of these wild horses...Congrats on your win, Ron! #3388950

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 30, 2006 0

Outstanding image Ron!!! Congratulations on your first place win!! #3391187

Ron Jones September 30, 2006 0

Thanks, Kay, Darryl, Deb, Sherry and Donna.
This image has a special significance to me in that last summer I helped move my son to Montana. After settling in we took some time to travel around the state. These horses were found in the middle of nowhere (or so it seemed to us since we were pleasantly lost.)
They seemed to be running merely for the pleasure of it (imagine that.)


September 30, 2006 0

I think this is an absolutely fabulous shot and deserved the prize. #3391250

Ron Jones September 30, 2006 0

Thank you very much, Gayle.
Ron #3391254

becky estey October 02, 2006 0

This is beautiful! Congratulations on your win you deserve it! #3397783

Shawn Jennings October 04, 2006 0

Great image Ron! Congratulations on your win! #3406287

Ron Jones October 04, 2006 0

Thank you, becky and Shawn.
Ron #3407186

Nobu Nagase October 06, 2006 0

Awesome image!!!
Congratulations on your great win!!! #3416231

Gary Beeler October 07, 2006 0

Congratulations, Ron, great action shot. They don't lool like the Pryor Mountain herd, are they one of the Wyoming herds around Cody? If you ever want to see the Pryor herd, let me know. #3418654

Cathy M. Gromball October 13, 2006 0

Congratulations on your First Place win, Ron! Awesome capture!

Cathy :) #3444529

Karen K. Givens level-classic October 24, 2006 0

What a beautiful capture. I love it. :) #3493486

Maricris Macabeo November 07, 2006 0

Another awesome photo! #3554129

Lynn Haack April 14, 2007 0

WOW...what a beautiful image. I've seen quite a few galleries in the month or so that I have been a member. I have to say...I LOVE your style! You have a beautiful gallery...one of the best! Lynn #4165478

Inge Linden July 26, 2007 0

This is simply perfect!!
I love it!

Virginia L. Allison July 26, 2007 0

I'm not sure there are words to express this one. Wow! Great capture in one of my favorite places in our Country. #4564319

Ray Clarke August 08, 2007 0

I would love this on my wall Ron, fantastic shot (a) #4617506

Ilene Samowitz level-classic January 21, 2011 0

absolutely beautiful


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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest FIRST PLACE Winner

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