Golden Twilight 2

© Bob Cammarata

Golden Twilight 2

Uploaded: July 25, 2006


Effects created in-camera.
(Nikkor 180 mm w/extension tube, Provia 100,...mixed lighting.)
Read Comments


Paul Michko July 25, 2006

Wonderful composition, Bob. #490663

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic July 25, 2006

I love love love this!!!! #3074363

Bob Cammarata July 25, 2006

Thanks Paul and Carolyn for your comments.

This is a different version of a similar photo I submitted last month.


(p.s...Carolyn, I like your new mini-pix.) :) #3075197

Colette M. Metcalf July 25, 2006

This is GREAT, Bob!!! #3075231

Bob Cammarata July 25, 2006

Thanks Colette. #3079719

Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 26, 2006

This is excellent, a real winner!! Congratulations! #3221747

Chris Budny level-deluxe August 26, 2006

Beautifully done! The background is marvellous! #3222346

Leonard Pierce August 26, 2006

Congratulations Bob! #3223355

Paul Michko August 27, 2006

Congratulation on a great finalist, Bob. #3224052

paul parent level-deluxe August 27, 2006

Great composition, superb. #3225775

Virginia Leone level-classic August 27, 2006

OOOh, so pretty...I love this. Congrats! #3225893

Bob Cammarata August 27, 2006

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

The setup for this photo and others like it were created on one of days when there was "nothing to shoot".

I've used this same background in the past for other subjects.
A wide aperture setting...and how you direct the auxillary light source are the primary factors in creating these out-of-focus halos of light.
A simple prop found lying around in the woods can be turned into a work of art when light is utilized as the primary point of interest.

Bob #3227720

Claudine Grove level-classic August 28, 2006

So pretty! These are my favorite colors and kind of pictures. Congrats! #3233312

Chris Budny level-deluxe August 28, 2006

And now, an amended Congratulations, on this winner! #3234639

Kay Beausoleil August 28, 2006

Fun with light and DOF! Congratulations, Bob, on your win for this cool image! #3235286

Bob Cammarata August 28, 2006

Thanks Claudine Christopher and Kay for your nice comments.

It's definately fun to play with light.
It's subtle nuances and intricacies is what makes photography so intriguing and challenging...(for me, anyway).



Janine Russell level-classic August 28, 2006

Bob, excellent detail, lighting, exposure and composition; congratulations on your Second Place Win. #3236550

Bob Cammarata August 29, 2006

Thanks Janine!
( your hummingbird photos!)

Bob #3238395

Sheila K. Floyd August 29, 2006

This is one of my favorite shots out there! I love it... Love the lighting! I am always working on this beautiful type of in-camera lighting...Have you ever heard of Bokeh form of photography... This depicts is to perfection.. Congrats on your win!! It's so well deserved, even if it WAS with a Nikon (lol, ;0) #3238627

Colette M. Metcalf August 29, 2006

Congratulations on your WIN, Bob! #3239080

Nadya Johnson August 29, 2006

Awesome and amazing, Bob! Congratulations on your VERY stunning WIN!! #3240072

Deborah Sandidge August 29, 2006

Very creative work, Bob - a beautiful winning image! Congratulations! #3240559

Bob Cammarata August 29, 2006

Thanks Sheila, Colette, Nadya and Deborah for your comments.

Actually,...I'd never heard the term "Bokeh" before. (I had to Google it to see what it was.)
I've been experimenting with this technique for a few years with macro subjects and studio shots...and with each session I'm becoming even more fascinated in this process of playing with light.


Bob #3241282

Sharon Day September 02, 2006

Big congratulations on this gorgeous win, Bob!!! Well done! #3259448

Bob Cammarata September 02, 2006

Thanks Sharon! #3259774

Glenda H. Travis September 04, 2006

Wow! This is awesome and better yet, created 'in camera'...I am so jealous! Wonderful Bob and well deserved WIN!

Nobu Nagase September 22, 2006

Wow, fabulous shot!!!
Many congrats, Bob!!!
...what's keeping this from the 1st?..., just superb!!! #3346583

Bob Cammarata September 22, 2006

Thanks Glenda and Nobi for your nice comments.
Sorry for taking so long in responding but I just returned home from a road trip and I'm trying to get caught up.

These types of in-camera background effects are not real difficult to create.
A wide aperture setting, a close-focusing lens or accessory and an auxilliary light source are all that are required (and of course, a subject to place in the foreground).
You also need to be aware of the color temperature of the light you are using to create the background highlights and be extra careful not to let it spill onto the subject.

In this particular scenario the aux. lighting was a simple flashlight...which I always carry in my pack. The background was a flat slab of granite encrusted with mica crystals.
A smaller piece of mica-encrusted rock was utilized as a base to display my subject, a dried out snail shell which, like the rocks, was found lying around in the woods at the scene.

...As to "what's keeping this from the 1st?"...:
Maybe Sheila F. was on the right track...I did use a Nikon ;)

Bob #3346760

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic November 10, 2010

Belated CONGRATZ on your stunning Winner!!

UB. #9027066

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