Digital Whirlpool

Uploaded: July 07, 2006


Please review!


Denise M. Snyder July 07, 2006

I love this! Very cool image. #479519

Lisa Clark July 09, 2006

Great SE. Very pretty girl. #3004006

PhotographPerson Y. Nothing July 09, 2006

Thanks for your wonderful comments. That's my good friend Rachel--she is very pretty indeed. What does SE mean? Sorry, I'm not very experienced in photography talk :) #3005027

July 09, 2006

VERY creative! Beautiful tones & blending! #3005031

Deb Holmes-Hatfield August 28, 2006

Way to go on your second place win! Great work! #3235613

Megan p August 28, 2006

Congratulations!!!! Fantastic win!!! #3236095

Janine Russell level-classic August 28, 2006

Congratulations on your Second Place Win. #3236385

Ronda Chatelle level-classic August 28, 2006

OUTSTANDING IMAGE! I love your placement, composition and timing on this deeply intense image. Very captivating and unique. Beautiful work! #3236964

bob cornelison August 28, 2006

Very cool shot! Keeps my eye looking around the whole picture!
~:O) #3236971

Jane M August 29, 2006

Very creative. Congratulations on your win! #3242161

Cindy Wong September 05, 2006

Congratulations on your win! You are very talented! #3271096

Darryl Wilkinson September 07, 2006

It is good to see you make another award. Well deserved congratulations! #3281604

Judy V. Kennamer level-classic September 23, 2006

Beautiful photograph - congratulations on your win!! Great job! #3351488

Leanne M.E. Boyd September 25, 2006

It's different, it's intriguing, and creative - and excellent and worthy win! Congratulations! #3360905

Paul G Slate August 08, 2007

Do you know how many Professionals would love to have a winner? this is amazing! you have a future in photgraphy if you want one! #4620006

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