Butterfly Digital

© RC Fritz

Butterfly Digital

Uploaded: June 04, 2006 | Entered: September 07, 2019 10:51:39


A digital experiment.


Nadya Johnson June 04, 2006 0

A DAZZLER, RC! Love this image! Outstanding colors and effects! #458034

RC Fritz June 04, 2006 0

Thank you Nadya!!! #2850703

Ugur Erkmen July 26, 2006 0

Congratulations RC. #3085112

RC Fritz July 26, 2006 0

Thanks Ugur !! #3086168

Sylvia Rossler July 27, 2006 0

Super effects RC !! Big congrats and good luck in the next round : o ) #3091043

Sylvia Rossler July 28, 2006 0

Big congrats on your win RC :o) #3092377

Darryl Wilkinson July 28, 2006 0

Beautiful winner, RC! Congratulations! #3092465

Nancy L. Green level-classic July 28, 2006 0

Congratulations RC on this well deserved win!! <>< #3093999

Jessica Jenney July 28, 2006 0

Beautiful image and effects, RC!
Congratulations on your win! #3095158

Niels Sandal July 29, 2006 0

Congratulations on your win. Beautiful colors. Great effects. #3097271

Cyn Valentine July 31, 2006 0

Gorgeous image...congratulations!!! #3102889

Janine Russell level-classic July 31, 2006 0

RC, congratulations on your Second Place win. #3103588

Bill Wyatt July 31, 2006 0

Congratulations on this creative and colorful image, RC! #3105683

Stephen Zacker July 31, 2006 0

Very creative and artistic. Congratulations #3106751

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe August 01, 2006 0

Congrats on your excellent 2nd Place win! Jeff #3109802

RC Fritz August 01, 2006 0

ยง:^D) T-h-a-n-k-s s-o m-u-c-h
e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e!!!!!!!!!! #3110853

William88 August 04, 2006 0

Excellent art work. #3122150

RC Fritz August 04, 2006 0

Thanks William!! #3124764

Laura Clay-Ballard August 06, 2006 0

wow. awesome darkroom work! #3130852

RC Fritz August 06, 2006 0

Thank you, Laura!! #3130900

Rebecca K. Lefferts August 10, 2006 0

Congrats RC! The colors are awesome! #3145784

RC Fritz August 10, 2006 0

Thank you Rebecca!! #3145806

Mary N C. Taitt August 11, 2006 0

Great color and clarity, congratulations! WOW! Mary :-D #3149857

RC Fritz August 11, 2006 0

Thanks Mary!! ":^D) #3152475

Bill Houghton August 26, 2006 0

This is beautiful work RC. Nice job. Thanks for your comment on my butterfly photo. #3217349

RC Fritz August 26, 2006 0

Thank you very much Bill. Your gallery is full of wonderful images! #3217373

Amy JACKSON August 27, 2006 0

Wonderful image, RC!! A late congratulations on your win!! #3226850

RC Fritz August 27, 2006 0

Thank you Amy and good luck! #3227098

Robert R. Goodman August 28, 2006 0

And a very late congratulations on this beautiful image RC!!!!!!! #3233877

RC Fritz August 29, 2006 0

OK! Thank you Robert! #3235899

Erica Murphy level-classic August 29, 2006 0

This is gorgeous RC!! Your gallery is full of awesome images!

Erica #3239179

RC Fritz August 29, 2006 0

Thank you Erica!! #3239732

Su Sana E. P level-classic August 31, 2006 0

A Masterpiece!! True work of art!! RC, you're amazing!! #3247134

RC Fritz August 31, 2006 0

Thank you Susana for the kind words! ":^D} #3247168

David Pratt November 04, 2006 0

Wow! Beautiful! #3545891

RC Fritz November 05, 2006 0

Thank you David! #3546414

Arnie Horwitz level-deluxe November 05, 2006 0

Great outcome to your experiment, RC! #3546807

RC Fritz November 05, 2006 0

Thanks Arnie! #3548070

John V. Roscich level-deluxe November 25, 2006 0

JOHN #3629828

RC Fritz November 25, 2006 0

Thanks Jonh! #3629945

Alice Lero November 26, 2006 0

VERY COOOOOL RC....Really like this one....congratulations! :) #3630411

RC Fritz December 01, 2006 0

Thank Alice! ":^D} #3654580

Marta Azevedo January 29, 2007 0

great work #3886564

RC Fritz January 31, 2007 0

Thank you Marta, for looking and commenting! #3895518

Susie Peek-Swint March 04, 2007 0

Really beautiful results on your digital experiment RC ~ many congrats on your win! #4020280

RC Fritz March 04, 2007 0

Thank you again, Susie! #4020317

Wayne T. Fisk March 13, 2007 0

A real winner! What colors!!!
Wayne T. Fisk #4050882

RC Fritz March 14, 2007 0

Thank you Wayne! #4051846

Steven E. Ray August 30, 2007 0

Congratulations on this fantastic winner RC. It is a dazzler! #4721557

RC Fritz August 30, 2007 0

Thank you Steven! #4724181

JO ANN CLEVELAND October 08, 2007 0

Outstanding. Love the effects, congrats on a well deserved win!

Have enjoyed your gallery on my first visit, won't be my last!

jo ann c. #4898598

RC Fritz October 10, 2007 0

Thank you Jo!! #4905330

Anita Bower January 18, 2008 0

Beautiful colors and overall effect! #5355190

RC Fritz January 19, 2008 0

Thanks Anita! #5362511

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