
Uploaded: March 30, 2002


Fireworks on the Fourth of July.


Sandy Guillory July 29, 2007 0

This shot is really too great to believe! Was this a merging of several pictures as one in our club does? Could you tell this novice the shutter speed, or using bulb, just used your judgement at the time? #701717

Jim Peak My Courses August 10, 2007 0

Hi Sandy,

Thanks very much!

No this is not a composite but just one shot. When capturing fireworks, I put my camera securely on a tripod and get out my remote cable release. I then put the camera into the bulb mode (as you suspected) and my aperture to f/8 or f/11. I then just wait for a burst to begin. Right when one starts (or just before if I can antipate it) I open up the shutter and hold it down until the bursts are over.

I used to be more strict about my exposure time but now I often just experiment and play - watching the LCD screen to see if my exposures are turning out too dark (not long enough) or too bright (too long). Then I adjust accordingly.

It's so fun!

Thanks again,

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