Chris Racing
Uploaded: May 15, 2006
Exif: FNumber: , ExposureBiasValue: , ExposureTime: , Flash: , ISO: , WhiteBalance:
Helen Green May 15, 2006 0
Amazing photo Marianne, very creative #446196
Jeff Robinson
May 15, 2006
Marianne S. Jensen May 15, 2006 0
Thanks Helen and Jeff :-) #2767619Brian D. Shema June 06, 2006 0
Very nicely done Marianne... I love the comp! Brian #2861112Diane Dupuis June 21, 2006 0
Great capture! Congrats! #2929306William Moore June 21, 2006 0
superb action finalist photo #2929645Monika Sapek June 23, 2006 0
Love the delicate lines of the motion here. Congratulations on your Second Place Win, Marianne!Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 23, 2006 0
Great image, congratulations on your win! #2941137Marianne S. Jensen June 23, 2006 0
Thanks, everyone! The competiting photographs are so amazing so I feel very honored to have been chosen! #2941144Jennifer Jones June 24, 2006 0
Woohoo Marianne! Congratulations on your win. Your work is amazing... I am so glad you began entering the BP photo contest. I'm sure this is just the beginning...Jennifer :o) #2942354
Janine Russell
June 24, 2006
Marianne S. Jensen June 24, 2006 0
Thanks Jennifer and Janine! #2944508William Moore June 24, 2006 0
Terrific action Winner #2945602Howard A. Wood June 25, 2006 0
Hey, way to go! #2946849Helen Green June 27, 2006 0
Congratulations on the 2nd Place win, it certainly deserves it. #2954360Robert Baer June 28, 2006 0
marianneSign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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