Nature's  Rollercoaster

Uploaded: May 10, 2006


Trevor D. Slauenwhite May 10, 2006 0

Beautiful colors and lines created by this plant. Love your perspective and close up on this. Great work! #442819

Doug K. Herrman May 10, 2006 0

Great use of selective focus. Very nice, Michele. #2744760

Michèle J. Thomas level-deluxe May 10, 2006 0

Thank you Trevor. I took this one of a Hosta plant in our backyard. I was kind of excited how it turned out myself.

Thanks for your comment.

Michèle #2744765

Michèle J. Thomas level-deluxe May 10, 2006 0

Thanks Doug, for your comment. Glad you like it.

Michèle #2744783

Janine Russell level-classic May 10, 2006 0

Michele, great color, selective focus and curves. #2744835

Richard D. Cox May 10, 2006 0

Artsy, abstract. Great lines. #2745071

Lynne Hoad May 10, 2006 0

Beautiful creative image Michele, love the composition and shades of color, light and dark. #2746321

Cyn Valentine May 10, 2006 0

Beautiful! #2746332

Vijayan Srinivasan srinivasan May 10, 2006 0

wonderful shot #2746668

Linda L. Ruiz May 10, 2006 0

I love the lighting on this shot. Well done. #2746694

Jagadeesh Andrew Owens May 10, 2006 0

Great shot! I love it! #2747341

Michèle J. Thomas level-deluxe May 12, 2006 0

Thank you, Janine, Richard, Lynne,

Cyn, Vijayan, Linda, and Andrew!!

I appreciate ALL of your nice comments so much. Glad you liked this one, and took the time to tell me.
Michèle #2753727

Daniel G. Flocke June 21, 2006 0

Michèle - Love the detail and color.

Congratulations on being a finalist and good luck in the next round #2926036

AMALIA Veralli June 21, 2006 0

Great shot!! Love the perspecttive. Congratulations. #2926092

June 22, 2006 0

Great just of repeating patterns and lines. #2934977

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 23, 2006 0

Now this is cool, congratulations on your win!! #2937564

Ross Throndson June 23, 2006 0

Michele, Congratulations on this INCREDIBLE WINNER!!! :^) #2937764

Rey Nocum June 23, 2006 0

Congratulations! You deserve it!

REY #2937829

William Moore June 23, 2006 0

congrats on your First Place the Landscapes of Flowers you have so captured #2939384

Terri L. Scribner June 23, 2006 0

Great patterns, lines, details and color!! #2939448

Melissa G. Meiselman June 23, 2006 0

Terrific lines and patterns on this fantastic first prize winner!!! #2939828

gloria s. kasse vega June 23, 2006 0

Great, congratulations!! #2940022

randy dannheim June 23, 2006 0

Congrats on your first place image! Wonderful lighting and composure! Randy #2940121

AMALIA Veralli June 23, 2006 0

Congrats again on first place. It's a great shot! #2940639

Mick Burkey June 23, 2006 0

Congratulations on the 1st Place win! Love the tones and use of light. Very nicely done, Michele #2940794

Monika Sapek June 23, 2006 0

Your title goes perfectly with these well spotted plant details, Michele! I’ve couldn’t think of a better title! Many congratulations on your well deserved First Place Winner!

Viveca Venegas level-deluxe June 23, 2006 0

Many congrats, this is beautifl and creative. Great eye!! #2941133

Nobu Nagase June 23, 2006 0

Congrats!!! :) #2941267

Graham D. Sher June 23, 2006 0

excellent macro, very well done indeed, weel deserved win #2941722

Wendy Stevenson June 23, 2006 0

Congratulations Michele on this gorgeous FIRST PLACE WIN!! Wowza!!! #2941996

Janine Russell level-classic June 24, 2006 0

Michele, congratulations on your First Place win. #2942565

Michèle J. Thomas level-deluxe June 24, 2006 0

THANK all of you so much, for your
generous comments, and congrats.
First Place was a very big surprise for me, but a VERY good one.

merci beaucoup,

Michèle #2942640

randy dannheim June 24, 2006 0

Still think this shot is awsume #2942750

Corinne M. Thompson June 24, 2006 0

Congrats on your First Place Win...this is beautifully composed with great colors and lighting. #2943111

Connie L. Carpenter June 24, 2006 0

What a gorgeous piece of draws you right in. Congratulations. #2944034

Ronald F. Fischer June 24, 2006 0

Congratulations on this awesome winner!! #2944097

Niels Sandal June 24, 2006 0

Congratulations. Great lines and light. #2945399

Diana L. Ralph June 24, 2006 0

What an amazing image! Well Done and Congratulations! #2946151

Mary Clarke June 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on this First Place winner Michele, super image. #2946282

Stanley C. Sims June 25, 2006 0

Very impressive iamge. Very well done. Congrats to you and all the winners. #2946635

Susan Walzer June 25, 2006 0

Congratulations! This is stunning. #2947244

Joline Frazier June 27, 2006 0

Most unusual and beautiful. Congratulations on this beauty. #2955526

Janine White July 05, 2006 0


What a beautiful abstract image. Love the angle of view. The green really pops of the screen. A very well deserved first place. An excellent title too!


Sergio Miranda July 15, 2006 0

great shot. good job. #3031046

July 21, 2006 0

WOW! What an awesome shot and a well deserved win. This is the kind of work that inspires and for that I thank you! #3059167

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