© Tracy Monte


Uploaded: May 07, 2006


This baby had such fun playing dress up. What a ham!

Exif: FNumber: 5.6, ExposureBiasValue: 0/6, ExposureTime: 1.66666666666667E-02, Flash: flash fired, ISO: , WhiteBalance:


Daniel G. Flocke June 21, 2006 0

Congratulations on being a finalist and good luck in the next round #469210

Laura E. OConnor June 22, 2006 0

OMG! HOW CUTE IS SHE??!! Congrats on your finalist & good luck! #2931324

June 22, 2006 0

What an expression! You can't help but smile at this picture. #2934780

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 23, 2006 0

Cute portrait, congratulations on your win! #2937885

Deb Holmes-Hatfield June 23, 2006 0

This is soooooo cute, Congratulations on your well deserved win! #2938896

Gail Vitikacs level-classic June 23, 2006 0


Kay E. Mahoney level-classic June 23, 2006 0

Congratulations on this adorable winner. She is so cute. #2939605

Janine Russell level-classic June 24, 2006 0

Tracy, what a cutie; congratulations on your Second Place win. #2942627

Nobu Nagase June 24, 2006 0

Congratulations on your great win!!! #2942677

Tracy Monte June 30, 2006 0

thanks for the input. Believe it or not, that hat was actually a Sunday church hat worn by my friend's grandma, years ago! Yikes! #2970235

Linda R. Baker July 27, 2006 0

Congratulation! In my book this is a !st place winner. It is adorable. #3087356

Paul Michko September 28, 2006 0

Belated congratulation on the awesome winner, Tracy. Your gallery is just fantastic. #3378194

September 27, 2007 0

Congrats.She is so sweet and colors are really good.I wanna kiss her:) I love your focus Tracy... #4852761

aileen cockburn October 03, 2007 0

how cute is she what a lovely expression how did you get her to give you a great big smile
Aileen #4878347

Bruce E. Van-Buskirk level-classic October 22, 2007 0

Wow I can't believe this didn't win first place. This picture made me smile and laugh. I love it.

Good Job.

Bruce #4961720

Mary E. Heinz November 06, 2007 0

Thought I had commented earlier...guess I just saw it and smiled...awesome... #5033834

Heather November 20, 2007 0

Now this is what I call Cute!! Such a Precious Portrait!! :) #5098151

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