Uploaded: April 11, 2006
Sharon King September 27, 2006 0
What an Adorable shot!! Congratulations on this terrific finalist and good luck in the next round! #529802Sam Britt September 27, 2006 0
I can't believe I missed this one, it's terrific! Congratulations and GOOD LUCK in the next round!!
Kay E. Mahoney
September 27, 2006
Cliff & Patti Smith
September 27, 2006
Kathy Cline September 28, 2006 0
Thankyou to all who sent me these sweet messages. I was sooooo surprised. I loved seeing all your beautiful photos also!! KATHYJennifer Cuscino September 28, 2006 0
oh my gosh. this is remarkable. #3376547
Janine Russell
September 29, 2006
Kerby Pfrangle September 29, 2006 0
Kathy congraulations on this darling image. A well deserved second place. #3383516
Kay E. Mahoney
September 29, 2006
Jill Flynn September 29, 2006 0
This is so cute Kathy ... brought a big smile to my face! Congratulations on your win! #3385761Sam Britt September 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on your 2nd place winner!! #3385784She-She Killough September 29, 2006 0
LOL!! This is WAY TOO CUTE! Great idea and execution! Congrats on your WINNER Kathy!! #3385854Jessica Jenney September 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on this adorable winning image, Kathy! #3386067Patricia Robinson Trapp September 29, 2006 0
Congratulations Kathy!!! Absolutley wonderful!!! Great job! #3386143Karen Beri September 29, 2006 0
This is fantastic Kathy!!!! Congratulations on you well deserved win :)
Evy Johansen
September 30, 2006
Susana Ms Heide September 30, 2006 0
The background and lighting is what makes this image for me!! Other than the cute subject, of course :o) Made me smile! Congrats Kathy!! #3388658Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 30, 2006 0
Congratulations on your second place win!!! Adorable and unique! #3391317Nobu Nagase October 08, 2006 0
Congrats on your great win!!! #3423473Douglas Mcgraw November 16, 2007 0
I Love this setup, I made it my favorite, when I look at it, I just SMILE. Congratulations on the Win. #5082994Kathy Cline November 16, 2007 0
Shelly A. Van Camp
May 21, 2008
Sharon F. Morris
May 24, 2008
Kathy Cline May 24, 2008 0
THANK YOU SHELLY AND SHARON I dont do anymore studio shots with pets at the moment. Its really too much work. I was lucky to get this silly one. :-)
Lisa J. Boulden
May 31, 2008
Cassandra A. Fontaine May 31, 2008 0
THIS IS AWESOME!!! CONGRATS on your win!!! #6002249
Laurie Daily
July 22, 2008
James E. Coleman
February 26, 2009
Too funny!
Way to go!
Jim #7216125
Debora Kolcun May 26, 2009 0
This is so cute! Just love it! #7556760Cathy Barrows January 03, 2011 0
i love this #9140341
Jill Odice
December 04, 2013
JO ANN CLEVELAND February 24, 2014 0
This HAS to be the cutest doggie picture ever! I LOVE IT!jo ann c. #10984267
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