Where's the Hotel!??
Uploaded: March 10, 2006
Taken at Monument Valley, Arizona. Tripod.
Jeff Robinson
March 10, 2006
Gary Lange March 10, 2006 0
Love this image, Patrick! Nice colors. It does make the road look endless. #2517961Graeme yew Chow April 28, 2006 0
Great finalist ! congrats on POTD ! Patrick. #2700331Lynne Morris April 28, 2006 0
Wow great shot Patrick and congratulations being a finalist and POTD, well done! #2700358Joy Rector April 28, 2006 0
awsome #2700565Kathleen R. Struckle April 28, 2006 0
Awesome image Patrick!! Congrats on POTD!! #2700669Tamra Walker April 28, 2006 0
Really nice, Patrick. Great DOF and composition. Really well done! Congrats!!! #2700787Mary N C. Taitt April 28, 2006 0
Congratulations Patrick on this cool POTD! Nice lighting. Mary :-) #2701115
Terry L. Ellis
April 28, 2006
Leanne M.E. Boyd April 28, 2006 0
Wow, this is some shot! Congrats on both your potd and finalist! #2701396Corinne M. Thompson April 28, 2006 0
Wonderful capture and I love the title! Congrats for both POTD and your Finalist! #2701476
Janine Russell
April 28, 2006
Mary Clarke April 28, 2006 0
Many congratulations on POTD Patrick, well done #2702707Nan Fischer April 28, 2006 0
Excellent title! I love it! I have seen many photos of this place, but your title makes this one stand out! Great colors, too. Congratulations on POTD! #2703253Aaron Reyes April 29, 2006 0
that's weird. I was on the geeks.com website and saw a product and was all "where have I seen that before!" then I remembered it was similar to the POTD. yours is way better though! much more detail and saturation!! strange that they had yellow lines before. did you photoshop them out?http://www.geeks.com/details.php?InvtId=7-VGA-HEADREST&cm_mmc=geekmail-_-newarrivals_html-_-29apr06-_-naproduct
Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 29, 2006 0
Very cool perspective, great scene. The road seems to go on forever. Congratulations on your potd win! #2704335Siete Meeter April 29, 2006 0
Great finalist ! congrats on POTD ! Patrick.#2705971
Bill Wyatt April 30, 2006 0
Wonderful image love the road to no where and the dramatic colors. #2708672Mary N C. Taitt June 27, 2006 0
HEY Patrick, congratulations on your finalist and snapshot feature!!! Mary :-D #2957326Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 29, 2006 0
Excellent featured image Patrick, great finalist also!! A big congrats! #2964129Jessica Jenney August 14, 2007 0
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist and feature in Snapshot, Patrick! #4644932Jim Britt August 14, 2007 0
Love this shot. Great colors, great perspective. Nice job. #4645641randy dannheim August 14, 2007 0
Patrick, I love your POV here. I shoot almost exclusive in AZ. Great image here - just love it. #4646817Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 14, 2007 0
A beautiful featured image in SnapShot. Congratulations Patrick! #4647023RC Fritz August 14, 2007 0
Beautiful POV. Great scene. Congratulations! #4647078John R. Sanchez August 14, 2007 0
Wow Patrick! Wish I were there!Nice work! #4647502
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