One Tough Turtle

© Stephen D. Swihart

One Tough Turtle

Uploaded: January 27, 2006


With a little work, this harmless and dull turtle was turned into something more prehistoric and dangerous. Normal PSE work, plus the following. Orange gradient filter. Buzz. Weird lines filter. Sharpen legs. Add lighting to face.


Brinn MacDougall January 27, 2006

I like what you did to this..well done, Stephen! #381519

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic January 27, 2006

Fantastic photo Stephen. Love the effect. #2346233

Janine Russell level-classic January 27, 2006

Stephen, excellent colors, clarity and effects. #2347680

Chris Budny level-deluxe July 25, 2006

VERY cool effects! Congratulations! #3080399

Chris Budny level-deluxe July 28, 2006

I get to say it again; Congratulations on your Win, now! ;) #3094277

Cyn Valentine July 28, 2006

Congratulations...great image!! #3094281

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 28, 2006

Congratulations on your 2nd place winner. #3094411

Judyann Plante July 28, 2006

Stephen, Congratulations on this well-deserved win!!!

Judyann ><> #3094476

Stephen D. Swihart July 28, 2006

Thanks! You are kind, and your responses are greatly appreciated! #3094823

RC Fritz July 30, 2006

Congrats on your win, Stephen!! ยง8^D} #3102776

Janine Russell level-classic July 30, 2006

Stephen, congratulations on your Second Place win. #3103598

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe August 01, 2006

Congrats on your outstanding winning image! Jeff #3109817

William88 August 04, 2006

Wow! Congratulations!! #3124773

Christina C. Moore November 28, 2006

Love this. The texturing is especially effective. Congratulations on this one! #3643958

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