
Uploaded: January 27, 2006 | Entered: January 01, 2021 06:28:53


Canon 24-105mm @ 50mm, 1/20, f4 ISO 400


Kay E. Mahoney level-classic January 27, 2006 0

Cute capture Janet. Adorable dog. Love the close up and blue background. #381060

Janet Criswell level-classic January 27, 2006 0

Hi, Kay!
Thanks very much! I just bought a few sheets of foam core in different colors and thought the blue was just what she needed.
Janet #2343096

Linda Proctor January 27, 2006 0

Awww adorable Janet!! The blue is perfect!!! #2343101

Janet Criswell level-classic January 27, 2006 0

Thanks, Linda! #2343128

Piotr M. Organa January 27, 2006 0

Love papillons and your composition, Janet!! #2343280

Janine Russell level-classic January 27, 2006 0

Janet, awesome puppy portrait with excellent colors clarity, detail and lighting. #2343547

Janet Criswell level-classic January 27, 2006 0

Thanks so much, Piotr and Janine! Bunny is a happy Pappy.

Janet #2344249

Sharon Day June 16, 2020 0

What an adorable little dog! Wonderful capture! #11811059

Janet Criswell level-classic June 16, 2020 0

Thank you, Sharon. She was my soul mate. #11811083

Jim Peak level-classic My Courses June 19, 2020 0

What a cutie, and what a great creative portrait of her. Love is eternal. #11811879

Janet Criswell level-classic June 19, 2020 0

Thank you, Jim! #11811883

Oscar J. Pung level-classic January 01, 2021 0

Excellent canine friend portrait Janet. The pose and the tack sharp detail around her eye is great! #11862791

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic January 01, 2021 0

Fantastic capture, Janet! #11862937

Janet Criswell level-classic January 01, 2021 0

Thanks so much Oscar and Adilson! #11862939

LJ Corliss level-classic January 01, 2021 0

Excellent image :) #11862960

Janet Criswell level-classic January 01, 2021 0

Thank you, LJ! #11862991

Christine Greenspan level-deluxe January 02, 2021 0

Adorable portrait, Janet! #11863205

Randall V. Rainey level-deluxe January 02, 2021 0

Cute little pup and well posed, Janet... A FAV #11863220

Janet Criswell level-classic January 02, 2021 0

Thank you Christine and Randall! #11863242

Ann Coates level-classic January 02, 2021 0

Gorgeous dog, colours are fantastic #11863249

Elias A. Tyligadas level-deluxe January 02, 2021 0

A perfect close up portrait for a lovely pet, Janet! #11863293

Janet Criswell level-classic January 02, 2021 0

Thank you, Ann and Elias! #11863365

Sharon Day January 08, 2021 0

What an adorable face! Beautiful portrait, Janet! #11865175

Janet Criswell level-classic January 08, 2021 0

Thank you, Sharon! #11865193

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