The Mystery Envelope..

© Ronda Chatelle

The Mystery Envelope..

Uploaded: January 24, 2006 | Entered: January 31, 2018 18:10:27


Simplistic Photograph of the Beam between my kitchen and living room area. The effects were added using P/S Elements. Added Color, Texture and Saturation. The beam is the color blue that you see, however I did enhance the other (2) walls. Settings on Automatic included in camera flash.


Ray Clarke January 24, 2006

This is a very simple but very effective photograph,I really like it #379899

Pat Gamwell January 24, 2006

WOW! This is fantastic! Looks like a winner to me! Fabulous colors & design! EXCELLENT work, my dear! #2331895

Daniella Puente January 24, 2006

Well done Ronda, is a very good abstract to me, nice job! #2331967

Joline Frazier January 24, 2006

This is gorgeous! The colors and design are perfect. #2332931

Janine Russell level-classic January 24, 2006

Ronda, excellent colors, clarity, lines and detail. #2334655

February 04, 2006

Very nice abstract. Congratulations #2375586

Ali T. Almesri March 13, 2018

S U P E R B .. ! #11684273

Anita Bower March 25, 2018

Love the colors and shapes. You must have a bright house. #11687001

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