Fearless Little Climber

© Oscar J. Pung

Fearless Little Climber

Uploaded: April 13, 2021 | Entered: April 13, 2021 13:26:04


Brave 9-year-old girl flies up a steep rock face near Sylvan Lake in Custer State Park. Her dad was at the top of the rock, her mom at the bottom, both keeping a close eye.

Black Hills, South Dakota.

Apr '21 Contest: People

Exif: Camera: Canon Canon EOS 77D; Shutter Speed: 1/40; Aperture: f/22.0; ISO: 400; Orientation: ; Date: 2021:03:10 10:18:07


Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe April 13, 2021 1

She is brave. Need to start them young for this stuff. Excellent action shot, Oscar. Great comp pov and textures. #1760373

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic April 13, 2021 0

Fantastic capture Oscar!, She is indeed very brave! #11891593

Janet Criswell level-classic April 13, 2021 1

Wonderful capture, Oscar! Hope that wasn't my great-granddaughter who lives near there. ;) #11891598

Oscar J. Pung level-classic April 13, 2021 0

Thanks Tammy, Amalia and Janet. #11891603

Lori A. Nevers level-classic April 13, 2021 0

Wonderful capture, Oscar! #11891611

Terry Korpela level-deluxe April 14, 2021 0

Nicely Done Oscar! #11891619

Terry Cervi level-classic April 14, 2021 0

Great timing and capture, Oscar! #11891637

Elias A. Tyligadas level-deluxe April 14, 2021 1

The brave aspect of the young human at its best, Oscar! So admirable and so well photographed and presented! #11891662

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 14, 2021 0

Great pov/perspective and sense of scale - Great moment captured of her achievement Oscar!! #11891668

Bojan Bencic level-classic April 14, 2021 0

Fantastic capture, Oscar. Great PoV and sense of height. #11891709

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic April 14, 2021 0

Fantastic POV and composition, Oscar! #11891726

Oscar J. Pung level-classic April 14, 2021 0

Thanks all! #11891817

Leslie McLain level-classic April 14, 2021 0

Fantastic capture, Oscar. #11891832

Oscar J. Pung level-classic April 15, 2021 0

Thank you Leslie. #11891851

Rudi Reiner level-classic April 16, 2021 0

Perfect title for that sport, nice shot Oscar! #11892001

Natasha Pliss level-classic April 24, 2021 1

Wonderful shot, Oscar! Great composition, colors, textures and perfect pov showing the danger of this moment. Excellent work!! #11894121

Oscar J. Pung level-classic April 24, 2021 0

Thanks Natasha. #11894151

Janet Criswell level-classic September 09, 2021 0

Congrats on your wonderful POTD, Oscar! #11926369

Terry Cervi level-classic September 09, 2021 0

Congrats on your awesome POTD, Oscar! #11926370

Gerda Grice level-classic September 09, 2021 1

Wow, that is one very courageous young lady! Great capture with excellent detail and her pink jacket and red harness against that large expanse of almost vertical grey rock really help to tell the story and emphasize the contrast between her small size and the height od the bare rockface she is climbing! #11926375

Natasha Pliss level-classic September 09, 2021 1

I am glad this amazing image is back, Oscar!! Warmest congratulations on your fantastic POTD!! #11926376

LJ Corliss level-classic September 09, 2021 0

Wonderful image. Congrats on POTD :) #11926378

Terry Korpela level-deluxe September 09, 2021 0

Congratulations on your POTD Oscar!! #11926402

Oscar J. Pung level-classic September 09, 2021 0

Thanks guys. Appreciate your kind words. #11926403

Teresa Burnett level-classic September 10, 2021 0

Congratulations on your POTD, Oscar! #11926623

Oscar J. Pung level-classic September 10, 2021 0

Thank you Teresa. #11926633

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe September 12, 2021 0

Congrats Oscar on your Finalist and POTD!! #11927096

Oscar J. Pung level-classic September 13, 2021 0

Thanks much Jeff. #11927182

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