
Uploaded: November 09, 2020 | Entered: July 01, 2021 06:11:55


July 2020 Catch All

Exif: Camera: Canon Canon EOS-1D Mark II; Shutter Speed: 1/400; Aperture: f/14.0; ISO: 800; Orientation: 1; Date: 2020:11:08 19:28:38


Cynthia M. Wiles level-deluxe November 09, 2020 0

Spectacular image!! #1750238

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic November 09, 2020 0

Fantastic capture, Janet! Wonderful details! #11849122

Ujjwal Mukherjee November 09, 2020 0

Gorgeous light and capture,Janet! Beautiful bg and dof! #11849124

Bojan Bencic level-classic November 09, 2020 0

Beautiful. Fantastic light and details, Janet. #11849146

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe November 09, 2020 0

Great title for this awesome capture. Amazing details. #11849163

Terry Korpela level-deluxe November 09, 2020 0

Nicely Done Janet! #11849173

Elias A. Tyligadas level-deluxe November 09, 2020 0

It's a festival of beauties, Janet! Exquisite composition and presentation! #11849196

LJ Corliss level-classic November 10, 2020 0

Beautiful image :) #11849235

Bob D. Hall level-classic November 10, 2020 0

This is fantastic, Janet! So very special!! #11849261

Christine Greenspan level-deluxe November 10, 2020 0

It's a wow for me, Janet! Fantastic! #11849265

Janet Criswell level-classic November 10, 2020 0

Thank you so much, Cynthia, Adilson, Ujjwal, Bojan, Tammy, Terry, Elias, LJ, Bob and Christine for your wonderful comments! #11849337

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic November 10, 2020 0

Fantastic details, colors, lighting and BG Janet! #11849382

Nancy L. Green level-classic November 10, 2020 0

FANTASTIC capture Janet, and of two of my favorite critters as well!! << #11849433

Janet Criswell level-classic November 10, 2020 0

Love your comments Amalia and Nancy! Thank you! #11849439

Michelle M. Moyer level-deluxe November 11, 2020 0

You caught a great pic of both a butterfly and bumble bee - snazzy! #11849494

Janet Criswell level-classic November 11, 2020 0

Thanks very much, Michelle! #11849496

Rudi Reiner level-classic November 12, 2020 0

Excellent macro details and timing Janet! #11849808

Janet Criswell level-classic November 12, 2020 0

Thanks very much, Rudi! #11849898

Leslie McLain level-classic December 30, 2020 0

Congrats on an amazing finalist, Janet. #11862156

Janet Criswell level-classic December 30, 2020 0

Thanks, Leslie, and congrats on yours as well! #11862159

Paul Coco January 14, 2021 0

It's all been said, Janet. This is superbly done in every respect. #11866889

Janet Criswell level-classic January 14, 2021 0

Thanks so much, Paul! #11866897

Kenneth De Pree level-classic July 02, 2021 0

You have amazing luck with insects. Are they your employees and you tell then where to stand? #11909739

Janet Criswell level-classic July 02, 2021 0

:) Thanks so much Kenneth! #11909840

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest Finalist

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