Rain in the City

Uploaded: December 04, 2018 | Entered: December 04, 2018 07:01:47


Taken in New York City, New York

Exif: F Number: 22, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 1000, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 24.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III


Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 04, 2018 1

Great colors, mood and light. Really like the rain with this. #1718229

Gerda Grice level-classic January 28, 2019

The rainy window gives the scene a wonderfully surreal look! Excellent work! #11747712

Barbara Socor January 31, 2019 1

Such gorgeous light, color...The window is a terrific filter! Beautifully done, John. Congrats! #11748448

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe February 01, 2019 1

This is great John - Congrats on your win! #11748526

Linda S. Smith level-classic February 01, 2019 1

Great capture and pov of this iconic view John! Congrats on winning the GOLD! #11748574

Bojan Bencic level-classic February 01, 2019 1

Love it. Congratulations on this masterpiece, John! #11748663

Gail Sullivan level-classic February 02, 2019 1

Congrats, John! #11748818

Cindy Bendush level-classic February 02, 2019 1

Fabulous work John - big congrats on your gold! #11748971

Nikki McDonald level-classic March 06, 2019 1

Lovely work, John - great tones. Congratulations on the win and the POTD. #11753230

Terry Cervi level-deluxe March 06, 2019 1

Congrats on your gorgeous POTD, John! #11753231

Leslie McLain level-classic March 06, 2019 1

Congrats on a beautiful winner and POTD, John. #11753232

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic March 06, 2019 1

I love this John, I recognize the flat iron building in the rain. Congratulations on your POTD! #11753233

KC Glastetter level-classic March 06, 2019 1

I love the emotion your photo evokes. Great job. #11753237

Mike F. Anderson March 06, 2019 1

Congratulations on your POTD and 2nd place win,John! #11753246

Joannie Bertucci level-classic March 06, 2019 1

Rivera and New York City magic! Congrats on our gold badge and POTD! #11753247

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe March 06, 2019

Congrats again for your POTD!! #11753294

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe March 06, 2019

Wonderful POTD and winner. Congrats!!! #11753298

Deborah Lewinson level-addict March 06, 2019

Excellent image, John! Congrats on your POTD and win! #11753300

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic March 06, 2019

Congratulations on this memorable city scene POTD, John! #11753329

Laura E. Swan level-classic March 06, 2019

Great Job John and big congrats on all the GOLD! :D Stay warm!!
-Laura :) #11753356

Lydia Williams level-classic March 07, 2019

Wow, cool image...well done...Congratulations on your goldens! #11753420

Chuck Green level-classic March 09, 2019

Congrats on splendid winner and POTD! <>< #11753848

Melvin Ness level-classic March 10, 2019

Really like this such a moody shoot and great composition. #11753945

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE WinnerPhotography Contest Photo of the Day

Copyright for this photo belongs solely to John Rivera.
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