One Direction

© Reynaldo D. Reyes

One Direction

Uploaded: August 08, 2018 | Entered: August 08, 2018 15:11:01


Taken in 2014 at the Santa Paula , CA Balloon Festival. Entered under theme of Three of a Kind (Elements of Design)


Val Feldman level-classic August 08, 2018 0

Oh, beautiful, Rey! Great comp, spectacular clarity and vivid balloon colors against the deep blue sky. Clarity is wonderful and the introduction of the cumulus clouds on the left adds a wonderful touch! #1712856

Reynaldo D. Reyes level-classic August 09, 2018 0

Thanks Val. We were lucky, it was a perfect day for balloons. #11719048

Harvey A. Ravitch August 09, 2018 0

Fantastic POV, & super fine clarity! Just Beautiful! #11719050

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe August 09, 2018 0

Great colors and capture Rey! #11719071

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe August 11, 2018 0

WOW! Love the POV and bright colors. #11719356

Nancy L. Green level-classic August 11, 2018 0

BEAUTIFUL colors Rey, I love the POV as well!! <>< #11719426

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic August 11, 2018 0

WOW, What a beautiful and colorful image Reynaldo!,
Amalia #11719450

Terry Cervi level-classic August 15, 2018 0

An awesome and beautiful shot, Rey!! #11719853

Patrick Rouzes level-classic August 15, 2018 0

The colors, comp & clarity are exceptional, Reynaldo! Always nice to find a good one in the archives! #11719881

Emile Abbott level-classic August 15, 2018 0

Vibrant colors and great theme capture. Love the perspective, Rey. #11719948

isabel C. Zepeda level-classic August 17, 2018 0

wow what a colorful picture,love the ballons with that beautiful blue sky.
like Patrick say is always nice to go back and see old good pictures

Emile Abbott level-classic August 24, 2018 0

Up Up and away! Great POV and capture, Rey. #11721497

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures September 26, 2018 0

Remarkable image and finalist Reynaldo, congratulations and good luck in the gold round!!! #11726973

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe September 26, 2018 0

Outstanding colorful Finalist. Congrats! #11727008

Val Feldman level-classic September 26, 2018 0

I'm hoping this one will be back again, too, Rey! Both of your Finalists (that I've seen so far) are well worth wearing Gold...from my typing fingers to the Judges ears! :) Congrats on another well-earned Finalist! #11727060

Harvey A. Ravitch September 26, 2018 0

Congratulations Reynaldo! Excellent work! #11727064

isabel C. Zepeda level-classic September 27, 2018 0

CONGRATULATIONS on this amazing winner #11727285

Teresa Burnett level-classic September 27, 2018 0

Beautiful capture, Rey! Huge Congratulations on your well deserved Win! #11727379

Emile Abbott level-classic September 27, 2018 0

Congratulations Rey on Great Gold Winner. #11727496

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe September 27, 2018 0

Congrats on your beautiful winner. #11727565

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures September 28, 2018 0

So glad to see this wearing gold Reynaldo, huge congratulations!! #11727713

Cindy Bendush level-classic September 28, 2018 0

Awesome winner - congratulations! #11727776

G. Margaret Hennes level-classic September 28, 2018 0

Congrats on this beautiful winner, Rey! #11727925

Deborah Lewinson level-addict September 29, 2018 0

what an eye-catching image, Rey! Love it! Congrats on your win!

Rudi Reiner level-classic September 29, 2018 0

Congratulations, excellent pov and colors! #11728165

Patrick Rouzes level-classic September 29, 2018 0

Congrats on this well- deserved Winner, Reynaldo! #11728230

Joannie Bertucci level-classic October 02, 2018 0

Wonderful pov on these ballons Rey! The colors are so exciting and rich! Congrats on your gold badge win! #11728876

Rosemary Sampson level-classic October 20, 2018 0

Great colors! Congratulations! #11731578

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