Majestic Maine!

© Jane E. Miller

Majestic Maine!

Uploaded: April 19, 2017 | Entered: April 19, 2017 17:29:19


I used Topaz Filter Impression to add the finishing touches.

Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 39999/1000000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 70.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 6D


Beth OMeara level-classic April 19, 2017

Wonderful image, and thank you for sharing the filter information. Love the treatment #1684433

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic April 20, 2017

Pretty....Bar Harbor Maine is my home. :) #11585091

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic April 20, 2017

Marvelous colors and flowing lines, Jane! #11585114

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic May 31, 2017

Congratulations on your Finalist! #11602318

Jane E. Miller level-classic May 31, 2017 1

Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive. #11602519

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures June 01, 2017

Huge congratulations Jane on your 1st place !! #11602753

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic June 01, 2017

Congratulations on your First Place GOLD, Jane!!! #11602811

Heidi Psinas level-classic June 01, 2017

Jane, congratulations! Beautiful! #11602938

Kimber Wallwork-Heineman level-classic June 01, 2017

Congrats! #11602982

Nikki McDonald level-classic June 01, 2017

Pretty light and colors. Congratulations on the 1st Place Win. #11603256

Beth OMeara level-classic June 01, 2017

Congrats on the first place! #11603304

Teresa L. Brooks June 01, 2017

Very beautiful, congrats on 1st place. #11603346

Jane E. Miller level-classic June 01, 2017

Thanks to everyone for your support. It is so great to belong to such a great group of people. I feel blessed. #11603348

Patrick Rouzes level-classic June 01, 2017

I feel the same way, Jane. Congrats on your well-deserved Gold Medal. Love the Impressionistic touch! #11603460

John D. Roach level-addict June 02, 2017

Exquisite. #11603747

Teresa Burnett level-classic June 02, 2017

Huge Congratulations on this beautiful First Place Winner, Jane!! #11603960

Christine Greenspan level-deluxe June 04, 2017

Stunning! Big congrats on this one! #11604372

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