Arrival of the Swans

Uploaded: February 25, 2017 | Entered: February 25, 2017 14:34:52


The most striking trio of costume-coorindated models I saw during Carnevale. Three sisters attending together, in stunning white costumes they made, each with a fantastic, different swan headdress. As we moved towards a grand old palazzo to photograph these three in a baroque ballroom, I caught this scene of them striding towards me, and couldn't help but be completely dazzled. 2/17 Finalist - People


Terry Piotraschke level-deluxe February 25, 2017 0

Fantastic! #1680390

Gail Sullivan level-classic February 26, 2017 0

Dazzling for sure, Christopher! #11565340

Linda Estes level-classic February 26, 2017 0

Very unique image. Great shot! #11565407

Chris Budny level-deluxe February 26, 2017 0

Thank you, Terry, Gail & Linda! They were sensational outfits; I haven't started editing the images of them in the ballroom yet... #11565516

Nikki McDonald level-classic February 27, 2017 0

Wow, what incredible costumes. These people must spend all year getting ready! Great shot, Chris. #11565701

Chris Budny level-deluxe February 27, 2017 0

You got it exactly -- several of the models I spoke to said that they spent the whole year between each Carnevale, planning and making (usually) 2 costumes to take to the next Carnevale! Most of the "serious" models (like these 3) come from France and Germany... I don't think I encountered 1 actual Italian model the entire time! #11565713

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic March 17, 2017 0

Artful and beautiful, Chris... the background is softly colored and interesting. Amazing to think of them creating these costumes! Thank you for your interesting and detailed descriptions. :o) #11572449

Chris Budny level-deluxe March 17, 2017 1

Thank you, Joanna! Venice really is a massive, living piece of art itself. Carnevale certainly ramps it up to another level, for a week ;)
I'm glad you enjoy the captions; I'm a fan of filling them out with background info, useful info, thoughts during the shot, etc. #11572452

Terry A. Stoa March 23, 2017 0

OMG this is fantastic! The details of their costumes is a real wowza - and it's as if they're heading your way for a real showdown. The DOF you selected keeps my eyes on the models... #11574608

Chris Budny level-deluxe March 23, 2017 0

Thank you, Terry! I loved this view of them -- they fell into this great, symmetrical arrangement on their own. I was using my 100-400 from some distance, so that helped blur the background nicely, too. #11574615

Michele Peterson level-classic March 31, 2017 0

I knew we'd see this one again, it's so fascinating to look at. Beautiful image, and congrats on the finalist! #11577183

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic March 31, 2017 0

Looking superb in Silver... congratulations! #11577337

Chris Budny level-deluxe March 31, 2017 0

Thank you both, ladies! Fingers crossed! #11577425

Peggy Pfister level-classic March 31, 2017 0

Very cool capture, Chris ... Congrats on the Silver! #11577732

Chris Budny level-deluxe April 01, 2017 1

Thank you Peggy! #11577943

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