Bank's Edge

© Joanna Kovalcsik


Uploaded: February 19, 2017 | Entered: February 19, 2017 04:56:34


-- Experimenting with Scale --
Michigan is having a February thaw, so it was the perfect opportunity for me to set up this outdoor still-life. I used stonecrete from the driveway to build the miniature inuksuk at the edge of an ice-filled ditch in mid-melt. I took the shot at ground-level, pointing my camera into the sun. My purpose was to make the scene appear bigger than its actual if the shot was taken along a rocky riverbank instead of a ditch bank. I'm not really sure if I was successful, so I'm anxious for some feedback. Does this shot make my inuksuk look BIG?!? ;o)

I used my 50mm portrait lens at f/2.8 for this capture.


Michele Peterson level-classic February 19, 2017 0

I love this, Joanna! My first thought was "This looks like a riverbank", then I read your description, lol. :-) Your inuksuk looks much bigger than driveway stones, and much prettier than a ditch. I'd say mission accomplished for sure! The light is really very pretty, I love the bokeh and the bit of color along the right side. NIcely done! And, thank you for letting me in on your project today. I enjoyed this very much. #1679915

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic February 19, 2017 0

Hurray!!! Looks like we both accomplished our missions, Michele. Thank you for your excellent feedback and encouragement. I'm delighted that your first thought was right in line with my goal. Pretty cool considering that these stones were only about 3/4 inch in diameter! I think we inspired each other today, and isn't that one of the great things about this hobby? Oh yeah!!! :o) #11563640

Michele Peterson level-classic February 19, 2017 0

I was definitely inspired by you! When I first saw this and realized it wasn't what it looked like, my brain had to think about just how small driveway rock would be and I was impressed with your creativeness all the more! Thanks for the fun today!! #11563655

Gord MacEachern February 19, 2017 0

Nice work here Joanna, like the detail, pov, light and focus, fine photography!! #11563680

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic February 19, 2017 0

Michele, you are most welcome!!! :o)
Gord, thank you... this shot had a big fun factor that went along with it. I felt like a kid! :o) #11563757

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic March 17, 2017 0

Additional comments transferred from the Forum Discussion Image: Karen E. Michaels: "Way cool, Joanna! In the use of the sun's angle Crisp lines of the stones, mixed with the blurred natural colors...c'est magnifique!" #1681775

John R. Koepfer: Wonderful sf and outstanding bokeh Joanna!! Beautiful!! #11572359 #11572382

Peggy Pfister level-classic March 30, 2017 1

Love this, Joanna ... Yes, I think you accomplished all your goals with this excellent image! Thanks for the description of your process. #11576851

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic March 30, 2017 1

Peggy, you are most welcome, and thank you for your encouraging remarks! :o) #11576858

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