
Uploaded: February 17, 2017 | Entered: February 17, 2017 09:07:00


A truly unique room even by Venetian standards! Some 130 sculptures from antiquity once graced the room, in the mid-1500's. Today only 1 piece has been returned, the hanging sculpture of the Abduction of Ganymede. Captured using 3 lens-shifted exposures from a 17mm t/s lens set on the floor.


Harvey A. Ravitch February 17, 2017 0

Absolurely Spectacular detail, light, & find. This is special, & will be seen again! #1679822

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic February 18, 2017 0

Christopher, your framing is exquisitely done... a remarkable capture with amplified detail seen in B&W. :o) #11563483

Chris Budny level-deluxe February 19, 2017 0

Thank you both, Harvey & Joanna! You can't tell in this perspective straight up, but the 4 sides of the coffered ceiling are actually all curved inward towards the top, like a dome curves, but a 4-sided dome, instead of spherical, if that makes sense. Clever optics at play in the design, for sure! #11563831

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic February 19, 2017 0

Yes, Chris, I can picture it in my mind. Two of my favorite details in this image are the arched window and its bright reflections and the angel at the pinnacle of the "dome." #11563838

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic March 10, 2017 0

Beautiful dome capture Chris! #11570374

Chris Budny level-deluxe March 10, 2017 0

Thank you, Amanda! #11570387

Dayna Cain level-classic March 23, 2017 0

So much to look at and all of it is incredible! WOW! #11574577

Chris Budny level-deluxe March 23, 2017 0

Thanks Dayna! A very eye-catching room to be sure! #11574616

Nikki McDonald level-classic March 28, 2017 0

Amazing depth, Chris. #11576047

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic March 28, 2017 0

Well executed and detailed, looks great in B&W. One of your finest works IMHO, Chris. Good luck, not that you need it ;) #11576092

Chris Budny level-deluxe March 28, 2017 0

Thank you both very much, Nikki & Usman! #11576107

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